Surgery or Radiotherapy? Decision made!

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Decision made.  I’m pT3a, N0 M0 (see my profile for details ).  My extensive research points to a combo treatment of HT / RT / Brachy (NHS and NICE approved).  MDT met again a couple of days ago and their recommendation (without my input) was the same.  I had a consultation at Addenbrookes yesterday with a top prostatectomy surgeon and he agreed with me that my decision was the best one, as surgery would carry at least a 30% chance of recurrence.  So I collected my prescription on way out!   I took my first bicalutamide tablet taken this morning… the treatment is underway. Just over 62 days (NHS target) since GP referral so well done to them after a thorough diagnosis.  I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders with regards to timelines (chasing the NHS, politely!), but I’m under no illusion that the next few months of treatment will present challenges.  My wife and I are a strong team and we intend to take everything in our stride and, hopefully, this curative pathway will prevail.  Here we go…..wish us luck! 

  • Sorry. Just had to share. I was reading Alpine Wanderers good news when what should come on the radio but 'The Nutcracker'. Made me burst out laughing so had to explain it to hubby who's eyes watered - but for a different reason I think.

    Seriously all the best for the 19th December AW and hope it goes as well for you as it did for a friend of ours.

  • I’m pleased it’s all going to plan for you and wish you all the very best with the treatment! Let us know how it goes!

  • This morning I had my latest PSA reading prior to my brachytherapy operation next week. I was a bit shocked tbh, as it has risen from 0.29 to 0.36 (I’ve been on decapeptyl for two and a half months, with easily tolerable side effects). I know it doesn’t seem much, but I was expecting a continuation of the decrease from 13.0 to 10.0 to 1.4 to 0.29. My oncology consultant has reassured me that the aim of my Brachy boost pathway is to kill it all anyway, but I must admit to being a bit unsettled by the unexpected rise instead of a fall.  

  • Hello   - I agree with your oncology consultant - in the scheme of things it's a tiny rise and could be caused by anything - did you exercise before the test? Have you been on your bike in the 48 hours before the test? In all honesty the only way to get it much lower is to have the bug*er removed.

    I've been on decapeptyl for 24 months and my PSA is STILL higher than yours at 0.438!!  No you are fine, fear not and once you have your seeds fitted next week you will be further down that "curative pathway".

    if we don't speak before next week I hope it goes well for you - let us know how easy it was.

    Best wishes - Brian

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Hi Alpine Warrior - we’ve been there, done that, got the t shirt! Post Rt my husbands PSA fell to 0.026. 3 months later it was 0.034. I was worried silly but the oncology said that this was a minuscule difference and PSAs will and do fluctuate. He also said that after RT a PSA up to 2.0 was aimed for! Hth

  • Hi WW - I LOVE my new name of Alpine Warrior!

  • I LOVE my new name of Alpine Warrior!

    I second that and here's the link to change your user name:

     How do I change my username? 

    Oh!! - That's magic!! One for my book when I write it - that made me laugh!!Joy

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • …..most people will never understand the amount of comfort that this site gives its members when they’re anxious. I actually call it “The Millibob Site” instead of Macmillan (I think yours was the first bio that I read and I didn’t understand any of it … but as you can guess, after all my research, I do now!).   it is amazing that any time someone wants to ask, report, vent or even cry on a shoulder, there is someone there, listening.  Thank you so much to all my friends of “The Millibob Site”.   AW

  • oops!!!! then again - it s a lovely new name for you. Wanderer sounds like a 'dreamer' - warrior is definitely the fighter needed from within you Slight smile

    Sorry! Hope you and your wife have a chuckle , at least.

    It's been an incredibly tough week our end!!!

  • Now, AW (dared not type any more!!!!) will keep us all wondering and betting about whether or not he will change his name :) What on earth have I started!!!!

    What name would you like me to change you to Brian?!!!!!