Delay due to Covid

  • 12 replies
  • 50 subscribers

Hi all, I was doing really well, I had 6 cycles of treatment and then a date for admittance for my SCT.  Unfortunately on the date i was due to be admitted i received a phone call from my consultant cancelling my attendance stating that there was too much Covid in the hospital and that after a meeting of senior staff it was deemed dangerous for the procedure to continue. 

I was told that I would provisionally be given a future date of 2 weeks in the future. This was a massive blow to me mentally, i had emptied the freezer put all outside furniture sway and had my bag packed, all to be cancelled . I asked about further treatment and again i was told that 2 weeks was ok but any further delays would result in me having to start another full cycle of treatment.

I now need another Covid yest prior to being admitted i a weeks time if the timeline goes according to the consultant. It has taken me a week to come to terms with the cancellation but now realise the professionals were correct in their decision to postpone my SCT.

I am now starting to prepare for my Admission again with some uncertainty, and as i have previously stated I am in the Spanish health system and have had no contact with my consultant since my cancellation phone call. 

To put others at ease the hospital I refer to is the main hospital in Santa Cruz, Tenerife.  Sounds as though Covid may have returned with vengeance.

Heres hoping for no more setbacks, and especially not a further cycle of treatment.

This message is more to get my frustration out rather than ask for assistance from the group.

Thank you hope it isnt as critical in UK.

  • Hi  again,   and    we all understand the frustration,   even on the NHS  I was knocked back 4 times,  with bag packed etc,  and  as you say  its the mental  preparedness   that is hard to  overcome,  mine was due to bed availability !

    all i can say,  if this helps at all ?  it is worth it,  i am now  120+   days post stem cell transplant,  and  besides some    neuropathy    and hip pain,  its  good,   i am back walking my  dog,   washing cars,  cutting grass,       still get fatigued   so   please  listen to your body,   dont fight it,  take a nap !       on in hospital  recovery  i was in for 10 days,   first 5  high care due to a severe   stomach    problem,   but it passes,    i got up every morning  and     got changed,  walked around  as much as you can in  a room   10 foot by 10 foot      we all wish you well,  and let us know how it goes for you,   best wishes    Kevin 

  • Hi pleased to say i have neen admitted to ward today 25th July for SCT

  • that is good news,    the SCT  not the edit  gaf,   hope all goes to plan  and you get comfortable,     it can be a slow  recovery,   time   is on your side   Kevin

  •   good to hear you have a ‘go’ date. 

    Preparing for going through the time in the SCT Unit is important so this ongoing post in our dedicated Stem Cell Transplant support group is a place where group members have collected the things that helped them go through there time in the SCT unit - Checklist for SCT Unit and the second link is taken from a Lymphoma site but again has some good first hand tips for the SCT process Top tips for stem cell transplants

    To edit a post go to ‘More’ then ‘Edit’

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Had my SCT on 26th July now on day 3 and all ok bloods. Pressure, temp,and all tests however evry doctor that has visited me has said day 5 is the fay when things occur. The dieticians have seen me and told me food supplements are available on day Five if my mouth and throat are too swollen to swollow. 

    So heres to day 5. And then apparently day 9 you souls who have been through this will probably know what i am talking about. But i had no idea until i was admitted.

    Will make contact on day 5 with the outcome


  • Good luck , I went through sct apprx 50 days ago , non of it is easy , but hang on , we will all get through it.It is such a relief to get home after your ordeal.

    Best wishes , Mal

  • Is there an easy way to put this in the Stem Cell Transplant forum

  • Hi  ....... no easy way....... just kick on this link below......

    Stem Cell Transplant 

    ......... and start a new thread in the group [+ Create new post] or [ + ] in the top right of the group page.

    You can copy and paste any text from this thread into your post in the SCT Group.

    I think I have said before that I had no mouth and eating problems during both my Allo SCTs....... so don't fret this....... if it happens it happens....... if not, then you have wasted energy worrying about it.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi, yes I had SCT In September last year.  Very tough going, not easy at all, but one day you will turn a corner, mine was day 12, and I just got better and better each day.  And you will go from strength to strength when you get home.  Hang in there,  good luck and take care•