Delay due to Covid

  • 12 replies
  • 50 subscribers

Hi all, I was doing really well, I had 6 cycles of treatment and then a date for admittance for my SCT.  Unfortunately on the date i was due to be admitted i received a phone call from my consultant cancelling my attendance stating that there was too much Covid in the hospital and that after a meeting of senior staff it was deemed dangerous for the procedure to continue. 

I was told that I would provisionally be given a future date of 2 weeks in the future. This was a massive blow to me mentally, i had emptied the freezer put all outside furniture sway and had my bag packed, all to be cancelled . I asked about further treatment and again i was told that 2 weeks was ok but any further delays would result in me having to start another full cycle of treatment.

I now need another Covid yest prior to being admitted i a weeks time if the timeline goes according to the consultant. It has taken me a week to come to terms with the cancellation but now realise the professionals were correct in their decision to postpone my SCT.

I am now starting to prepare for my Admission again with some uncertainty, and as i have previously stated I am in the Spanish health system and have had no contact with my consultant since my cancellation phone call. 

To put others at ease the hospital I refer to is the main hospital in Santa Cruz, Tenerife.  Sounds as though Covid may have returned with vengeance.

Heres hoping for no more setbacks, and especially not a further cycle of treatment.

This message is more to get my frustration out rather than ask for assistance from the group.

Thank you hope it isnt as critical in UK.

  • Hi    i  was warned,    days  +   7  not bad,   days +  7-14,     going to be tough,     and then you start getting better,     foods you like help,    i had fresh fruits,    milk shakes,   i   could  not eat,   appetite  rather than  mouth or gums,   i never  vomited,  but it  was tough,   and    one time i had  5 IV    ready to  go in me,   and  platelets and   antibiotics         every day i  got up,   showered,   changed,   walked around my tiny room,    then fell asleep again,  after the  lovely nurses   changed my bedding 

    The    nurse hour helped me a lot,   and every day  a  consultant would come in,   with comments on bloods etc,   it  slowly got better,   we all wish you a  speedy   recovery,    please   reach out for anything !    we have all been through it    Kevin