Flue/Covid vaccine

  • 3 replies
  • 21 subscribers

Hi Everyone,

As I mentioned before when I joined the forum, I've been diagnosed with Myeloma stage 1.

As the winter is coming, I have been offer the Flue/Covid vaccine by the NHS. My Hematology nurse says that I shoud have them, as due to the myeloma my inmune system is more vulnerable.

To be honest I'm reluctant of taking the Covid one. 

Has any of you with my same diagnostic, been given these vaccine already...? Are they really necessary for us to take?


  • Hi   perfect timing,     i have MM    post SCT  so my immune system    although not fully back   probably  OK,  i had my   flu/Covid jab appointment   yesterday,   i only took the Flu one,  as i have been catching up on all my other inoculations  and   although i guess new   strains could be covered in the new Covid vaccine,   i feel more comfortable with  just   some defence against the flu,   Kevin

  • Hi Keepbelieving,

    I am at stage 3 and I had both vaccines a few weeks ago.

    I agree with your nurse. You immune system is weak (the nurse would know better than me exactly how week) which makes you vulnerable to infections.

    Other precautions are the things that we all learnt in a hurry in 2020 (but actually not just applicable to Covid): wash hands frequently, try to keep a distance from people with infections and from crowds, consider wearing a facemask depending on the situation.



  • Hi , everyone is different .I've had both . Just trying to prevent anything developing and needing anti biotics as I'm allergic to so many .All the best Suex
