Living a happy life

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  • 20 subscribers

I found myself back on this forum after a decade since my dad was first diagnosed with multiple myeloma. I saw how many people are posting about being newly diagnosed and the fear and uncertainty. This disease is tricky and there is a spectrum of responses to drugs. Some patients do really well and some unfortunately don’t. Those that do well move on in life and hardly go back to post on these forums - so I didn’t want this to get lost on everyone. I know you are afraid right now but there are a lot of people living with myeloma and absolutely normal and beautiful life. Treatments are hard but they can work quite well and you really move on and forget about them. My dad still has does his check ups every 3 months which has become a routine. Things may fluctuate a bit but largely kept at bay so he went to have three grand children, visit Paris, build a house and teach math all which were unthinkable when he was doing his transplant 10 years ago. I am fully aware this is not always the outcome but it is an outcome too

  • Thank you for coming back and leaving a great post       The new normal

    life is still tough but much better than the alternative!  

    May his life continue to flourish. And inspiration for us all.  
