Melanoma biopsy

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  • 60 subscribers

Hi I’m 31 year old and had a mole on my back that had a hard lump under and was starting to hurt the doctor sent me for a two week referral to a consultant. I saw the consultant and pointed a few other moles she said there all fine but the lumpy one on my back she would send for a biopsy she also picked up on another mole nearby which has bled before but okay at the moment. Less than two weeks later there were both punch biopsy off. 
mite been a week now and I’m petrified. 
mum trying to think positive but I’ve got a one year old and keep having dreadful nightmares. The mole only changed after having baby too. 

The consultant just said she would send them off and didn’t say anything else. Was told at excursion would take up to 4 weeks if not heard in the new year to ring. 
This seems an awful long time. 
surely if it was cancer they would ring sooner rather than later? Or is that wishful thinking? 
I’m a nervous wreak and try to be positive but it’s been a rough few years. So unfortunately I am a pessimist. 

had anyone else had similar experience. Would they do biopsy’s if they thought it was nothing? And did bad results come back quicker than good? I’m on edge even though I was told up to 4 weeks it’s only been 1 but I’m just waiting for a call or letter 

thank you 

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the online community

    It's natural to be anxious when waiting for results and we all know in this group how hard it can be. During this waiting period you need to find something that take your mind away from the 'what ifs'. For me it was immersing myself in my hobbies so if there's something you particularly enjoy doing now is the time to do it if you can. Lots of people find mindfulness really helpful and if this is something that interest you clicking here will take you to the NHS mental health page where you can download mindfulness apps, some of which are free.

    You might also like to look at this information about how to ease worry when waiting for medical test results as it has lots of hints and tips on how to cope. I know it's easy for me to say but remember that worrying won't change your results but it will have an effect on your physical and mental health.

    If you feel that your anxiety is affecting your daily life then you may need to speak to your GP who should be able to suggest ways to help you cope.

    The answer to your question of 

    Would they do biopsy’s if they thought it was nothing?

    is yes as it's the only way to find out what the mole is. However , it's important to remember that just because you've had a biopsy doesn't mean it's cancer. We've had several people recently report back that their mole wasn't a melanoma when they've been sure it was. If you click on this link and this one it'll take you to their threads. I have had two moles removed, unfortunately one was melanoma but the other wasn't.

    surely if it was cancer they would ring sooner rather than later

    The length of time it takes to get your results back depends on how busy the pathology laboratories are in your area of the country. You say that you were told that it could be up to 4 weeks and that appears to be about average. My first results took 6 weeks to come back but the second only 3 weeks. It's good that you've been given a contact number to ring if you haven't received them by 31 December. I know that seems like a long time but try to put into practice some of the things I've suggested to ease the wait and, in the meantime, you can post here any questions you have or just if you want to have a rant.

    Sending a virtual (((hug)))

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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • I hope your results come back clear and you don’t have to wait. I recently had a mole removed and got the results within 2 weeks so they do sometimes come back quicker. Years ago I had one removed that came back ok and the one I had removed recently was melanoma so it’s good that you have got them checked either way. 

  • Thank you for your reply. Sorry I was having a melt down. I totally understand that it doesn’t mean it is cancer just from being very little iv seen so many people battle and also sadly pass away from various cancers it’s scary. It would be scary anyway but more so because I had a baby who’s one now who I didn’t think I’d be actually carry. So she’s like a gift. And keep ha img awful nightmares that iv been given this gift and then bam something could ruin the fairy tale. 

    i read only 7% come back as cancer but that’s still the scary thought in your head. Trying to keep busy with baby and life just been a very hard few years and I try stay positive but unfortunately had mental health issues and anixty throughout life and I let it get the better of me. I really appreciate your reply thank you 

  • Hope yours came back all good? 

  • Thank you, I had my wle on Tuesday this week so just waiting for the outcome on that. 

    Have you had any results through yet? I hope your managing to fill the time and not worry to much. 

  • I hope that comes back okay. I’m till waiting for mine. I keep wanting to phone up but know that’s pointless. Putting a downer on the Xmas period would love to find out before the big man comes! 

    trying to fill the time it’s mainly when I’m laid in bed and have time to think

  • Hi MichelleLily51

    I hope you are OK.  The waiting is awful isn't it.  I am waiting too, almost 4 weeks since my WLE and SLNB.  It's like a cloud hanging over me, sometimes I feel positive, other times not so much.  I know it is easier said than done, but please try to put it out of your mind if you can, whenever you can.  And enjoy your little babe and the Christmas preparations as much as you can!  Babies certainly keep you busy.  My babes are now 21 and 22 Slight smile - still busy with them sometimes Slight smile

  • Lovenorfolk and michellelily51 I hope your wait is over soon and you get good news when you get the results. 

  • Hope you have yours back by now I phoned hospital today and just asked if there back receptionist said I think they are there’s a note for the derm receptionist to write a letter. I asked if they could tell me and said no they don’t have access. And said she will put it for them to write it urgently as Xmas and anxiety etc. So 

    that all sounds good? If it was bad they would ring wouldn’t they? So abit more relaxed. 
    hope your all well. 

    and have a lovely Christmas 

  • Hi MichelleLily51,

    I hope your results come back positively.  I'm in the same boat at the moment, waiting for WLE results but the surgery was only last week.  I'm actually hoping for a longer wait rather than a shorter one based on advice from a friend of mine, who had had cancer previously, gave me when I had 4 moles removed initially and I was 'complaining' about the wait. 

    This may only be relevant in my area/hospital but it helped me a little in terms of expectation and timing.  She said if you get the letter in 6-8 weeks (this is what the wait is here at the moment), it is likely to be good news.  If you receive a phone call in 3-4 weeks and you're asked to come in for an appointment (and they can't - or won't - tell you why), the news will not be so positive.  So I counted 6 weeks, put it in my diary, and distracted myself with work, hobbies and social stuff (much like Latchbrook has said). 

    Unfortunately, in my case, I received a phone call ... BUT I knew before the appointment what this meant.  For me, 1 of the 4 removed was a melanoma but at the same time it was all caught by the initial biopsy - the WLE is apparently standard precautionary measure in my case.  I have the wait again now, and I'm not saying it's easy in the slightest, as everyone on here knows and I also know it's easier said that done, but the results and when I get them are completely out of my control so worrying is only going to prevent me from living my life and enjoying my Christmas.  So I'm trying (with a focus on the word TRYING as I'm prone to bouts of crying and feeling low like anyone in this position) to concentrate on other aspects of my life and to distract myself until the 3/4 week mark this time (when I will probably be on edge) but that takes me past Christmas and New Year.

    I'm not saying this will be the same for your area of the country or where you are receiving treatment but giving yourself a time frame may be a strategy that you could utilise to alleviate some of your worry.

    I hope you have an enjoyable Christmas and that you get a positive letter further down the line.

    Kat x