Mole removal and biopsy

  • 2 replies
  • 76 subscribers

Hi everyone, I've been lurking here for a few months while I've been going through worry about potential melanoma. I thought I would post my story as it might be helpful to people looking for some reassurance. I'm a 44 year old male with type two skin btw.

I was on holiday at the end of August when I noticed a new an odd-shaped mole on my little toe. It was around 5mm and was asymmetrical. I couldn't be certain how new it was as I don't look at my little toe very often but I felt pretty sure I would have noticed it at some point during the summer if it had been there long. My husband thought it was probably a blood blister but I wasn't so sure. I left it for a couple of weeks and then decided to go to a doctor. He took one look at it referred my to a dermatologist. I have health cover through my job so decided to use that. Two weeks later I saw a dermatologist and he did a full body check. He said the mole on my toe was definitely atypical and should be removed and he also said another mole on my calf looked odd and should come off too. I had never really noticed the one on my calf before but it was around 5mm too and was black in the middle, brown around the edges and very different from my other roles. I asked him what he thought and he said most likely nothing but could be something. This sent me into a bit of a tailspin and I found myself reading article after article about melanoma - I don't think this was very helpful as so much information out there is out of date and it didn't really make me feel better. I found it was affecting my ability to concentrate at work too as I constantly felt preoccupied and anxious. I also didn't feel like seeing friends which I think made me feel even worse.

Due to one of the moles being on my toe, I was referred to a plastic surgeon and had an initial consultation with him a couple of weeks later and then the procedure a couple of weeks after that. I went back yesterday to have the stitches taken out and get my results. In the interim, I had convinced myself the news was going to be bad and, in the last few days in the run-up to getting the results, I was having problems sleeping, and again, I was struggling to focus at work. I had also convinced myself that if it was good news, surely the surgeon would have called me to deliver the results earlier. As soon as I went in, he gave me good news - the mole on my toe was atypical and the one on my calf was moderately dysplastic. I felt so relieved and also very glad I went to the doctor originally, if I hadn't, I would never have given the mole on my calf a second thought. 

During this period, I have found the advice and knowledge shared on this forum invaluable. It was the only place online which made me feel like I wasn't alone so I wanted to thank you all.

  • Hi and a very warm welcome to the online community

    That's great news that both 'dodgy' moles have turned out to be fine. I hope you've had a little, or big, celebration!

    Thank you very much for sharing your story here as it's very important that people can see that not all suspect moles turn out to be melanoma even when doctors think they will be. I'm sorry to read how anxious you were and how much you struggled while waiting for your results but I think sharing how you felt will help others following on behind.

    Wishing you all the best


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  • So pleased to hear that your news is so good.  I am still waiting for confirmation, but like you have made the mistake of googling it all, and ended up in quite a state.  Like you, I didn't really notice the mole on my calf until recently, but looking back at old photos show that I have had it for at least 2 years. I don't know if this makes it better or worse. The specialist has already said that I need to go back for further removal and a skin graft, which has terrified me. I am keeping everything crossed now, and am quietly cheering for you. x