Terrified & confused

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  • today my husband had an appointment to discuss pet scan results, after a suspicous x ray & ct scan with dye.
  • No pet scan results as not back. Doctor just said looks like lung cancer possibly in lymph nodes. MDT meeting next Tuesday to discuss results & biopsy to follow. Not sure which one, as neither of us can take it all in.
  • I always thought cancer was only diagnosed after all scan results & biopsies done?
  • All doc did was showed the ct scan of the lung mass. Sent my husband for a blood test, clotting I think as hes on thinners. Shes them telling me 5 days before biopsies/surgery thinners stopped
  • Requested a brain scan as well.

Is all this normal procedure? I cant remember half of what was said. 

Can cancer be diagnosed before all results in?

Not sure I've posted this in the right forum, as the link that was recommended wouldnt work

Devastated doesnt cover it....

    1. Hi , its terrifying to say the least . I'm the same as your husband, told after xray and ct scan on January 10th .Had my pet scan mri 2 or 3 days after being told . Like you cannot remember half of what was said ,given a blood test form and sent on my way . Had my biopsy on the 6th February,  so still no answers or treatments. Also told I have copd, again nothing explained,  did I need medication ? 2 days after biopsy coughing blood up , no support , sat in a&e for 8 hours  as thats the pathway Expressionless but nursing staff were very good to me . I'm trying as people say to stay positive..... but up and lots of down days . x
  • He as no cough no blood no weight loss nothing. Though both of us arent eating, so weights gonna drop off.

    How did they biopsy ur lung? Doc mentioned various  biopsies, but I cant remember a thing. They gave him a blood test form, cant remember what for tho.

    Problem is my husband had a mild stroke 7 yrs ago which as left him with a right side weakness & he takes loads of meds because of that.

    Its like living in someone elses nightmare. I could kind of understand more if he was ill or showing signs, but nothing. This doctor seemed surprised he was still going out & about exercising etc

    I just didnt think they diagnosed before a biopsy. I thought some masses could be benign. So my brains frazzled.....

    I wish you well & hope ur biopsy results come back ok

  • Hello Tillyboo,

    I'm very sorry you are in this situation. A definitive diagnosis would normally only be confirmed after a biopsy when the suspect cells can be examined and confirmed cancerous or not. 

    My biopsy involved a tube being put down the throat into the lung to obtain a sample of cells - it sounds horrendous but is not actually that bad as I was sedated and the throat was numbed so there was no unpleasant sensations, in fact I didn't remember myuch at all about it afterwards.

    I sincerely hope you get some good news after this, although going through the diagnostic process is very difficult, uncertain and frightening. 


    Made in 1956. Tested to destruction.
    • I only went to the GP as I'd perforated my ear drum,  having a bad cold , but i had started to cough , so I was sent for xray and ct scan . All very quick , then nothing. My biopsy was done through my back with ct scan, no issues. Until a few days after , but that was trauma to my lung , and thankfully ok now. Other than a mild cough I'm fine walking dogs looking after and riding my horse . Anxiety is the big issue and making things worse as you know. I thought like you had to wait for biopsy to confirm. Your right it is living in someone else's nightmare . I'm so sorry your here as you've enough of health issues. X
  • Ok thank you & wish u well

  • Hi , can I ask how long all of the tests and scans took , before you got any answers, or treatment plan put in place x

  • Its just being told its cancer before any results or biopsies are back I cant get my head round. I thought some masses were benign.

    But obviously doctors know by looking at a ct scan it is cancer, so why not just do a biopsy instead of waiting for MDT meeting & results of pet scan.

    Totally confused terrified & feel sick to my stomach.

    I'm gonna av to ring one of the numbers given on a card he was given today, lung cancer nurses & ask some more questions

  • Again agree with you , if they already know , why waste time , I understand the biopsy they can get alot of information from it, but all this waiting around, is mental torture, I imagine all sorts of aches and pains in my body thinking it's cancer spreading,  my mind on overdrive. Do ring them up might give you some reassurance also write down some questions,  I rang mine then missed half of what I wanted to ask.

  • Hi Tillyboo, I had a X-ray which showed a shadow and then a CT scan which showed a tumour and was told to make an appointment to see my doctor who told me he was sure it was cancer. He then fast tracked me to a lung specialist who arranged a PET scan, breathing tests and brain scan and then I had a biopsy but the specialist would not confirm anything till after the biopsy as that will give the name and stage of the cancer. The waiting was so mentally draining and my anxiety hits the roof. People say be positive but it is so hard until you come here and read other people’s stories, I am inspired by everyone! The best advice is to record your conversations and don’t be scared to ask the specialist anything you’re unsure about, it is so much to take in. I start chemo and immunotherapy on Friday to try and shrink the tumour before surgery but it still hasn’t sunk in. Remember your not alone and we are here for you anytimeBlush

  • Jnet that’s exactly how I explained the waiting ’mental torture’ my own GP didn’t beat about the bush but the specialists did and they even gave me false hope when I asked them by telling me it could be infection, inflammation or even cancer.. when they actually knew from my CT it was cancer