Ulcerated/fungating wound

  • 12 replies
  • 72 subscribers

Hello all.

I wonder if anybody may be going through something similar.

I have lung cancer.  A tumour has broken through the skin, underneath the breast , in the crease (sorry to be graphic, I dont mean to offend)

Ive had radiotherapy in that spot, and its now blown the skin open and caused a wound that is never going to heal.  I just wondered if anybody else is in this situation.

Because of the position of the wound its very hard to stop any chafing (if thats how you spell it).  Has anybody else got a wound in this area, and any suggestions as how to dress it better.  I have a small dressing on it, so it just covers, but then with the weight of my breast then sitting on it, its still very painful

  • Have not had anything similar , however I would suggest you ring the lung specialist  nurse  or ask for a reveiw as this is a radiotherapy side effect and may need special care.The radiotherapy details suggest  regular cleansing and moisturising cream. Maybe someone who has had this problem might come up with an answer soon.  Take care and be careful not to get any germs on the area I would say.     

  • Please ! Do not try to treat this yourself ! Contact your GP this morning, practice nurse will be able to dress this with appropriate dressings until your cancer Dr/nurse can see you. This may also need antibiotics to prevent infection. Cover with a lint free dressing until you can see a Dr or nurse THIS morning ! Good luck, please let us know how you get on 

    Good morning lovely people. 

    2nd CT scan on 17 April this tear (R upper lobectomy Dec. 2022) recent scan has shown my middle lobe is compressed. Having bronchial lavage on the 23rd May. Letter to GP from consultant described it as possible middle lobe syndrome,  GP unsure what this is. Regular chest infections but one in December this year & a few weeks ago really floored me. Throat is quite raw & my voice is quite hoarse. Anyone able to suggest any ideas on what's going on with me ? 

  • Thank you all for your replies.  Yes I have seen the specialist tissue nurse.  Had district nurse out, had every cream going, to put on it.  The tissue nurse suggested a big dressing and to put in place with medical tape, that would never work as the tape would keep coming off.  I dress it myself, with a cream as it is far too painful for anyone to go near, I kind of have it down to a military operation how I do it,  It cant be put on how normal dressings go where they are unpeeled and directly put on, I have to do it very gently with no pressure at all.  Its more the positioning of it and whether maybe I need something to keep the breast of sitting on the wound all day and night.  Many thanks or your responses

  • Hi Indian, I was replying to  Katy1,  and suggesting  she get further  advice . I do not have  an ulceration , sorry if you misunderstood the post  and reply. But we share the same sentiment that this lady needs to seek medical  advice  immediately.  Sorry I can't help you with your problem but maybe someone will soon. Have a good day. 

  • Hi Katie, thank you for replying.  Yea unfortunately I have had every cream distillagel, fucibet, few others too.  I can only describe the pain as vinegar being poured on an open cut.  Im just trying to figure out how to take the weight of breast sitting on the only thing i can say, what looks like an open crator

  • It does sound very nasty , not good for ladies in that area . When I burn't my bust badly once it took quite some time to heal . Yours sounds like it is deep so may take a long time to recover. This is another possibility what about a nursing bra to support  your bust or maybe a bra pad  between your bra and the sore dressing. Maybe even a piece of  thick foam. Sorry I can't be of better help. Hope you find a solution soon. Wonder if the breast cancer nurses might have an idea  for you  or have you seen them maybe?  Best wishes for finding a solution  ASAP. Just a thought when my mum had a breast abcess they packed the crator so it healed from inside out. Sometimes old fashioned ways work as well as new. 

  • Thank you Katie, theres some good ideas there.  Perhaps even though I have lung cancer, this could be one for a breast specialist nurse

  • Hi Katy1, as your problem caused by radiotherapy is affecting your breast region  a breast specialist nurse  might be able to help as they deal with  breast cancers etc. Like myself because I have lung cancer plus an existing lung condition  I am advised by respiratory  as well as oncology and physio  for breathing & arthritis. So ask about a breast specialist nurses opinion. Oh I forgot one option for your radiotherapy damage, honey dressings are very good to heal surface damage thats slow to heal , worth an enquiry with a nurse/ doctor. Best wishes  

  • Thank you Katie, I have heard of these honey dressings, do you know where I can get hold of some.  Many thanks

  • Hello again Katy1, Mine were supplied by my  surgery  but I would think if you ask your GPs surgery  nurse  they probably would prescribe them  or know where they can be obtained . I will have a look on line for you and get back to you if I find anything.