Ulcerated/fungating wound

  • 12 replies
  • 72 subscribers

Hello all.

I wonder if anybody may be going through something similar.

I have lung cancer.  A tumour has broken through the skin, underneath the breast , in the crease (sorry to be graphic, I dont mean to offend)

Ive had radiotherapy in that spot, and its now blown the skin open and caused a wound that is never going to heal.  I just wondered if anybody else is in this situation.

Because of the position of the wound its very hard to stop any chafing (if thats how you spell it).  Has anybody else got a wound in this area, and any suggestions as how to dress it better.  I have a small dressing on it, so it just covers, but then with the weight of my breast then sitting on it, its still very painful

  • Further to my previous reply Katy1 the honey dressings are  quite easy to get on line  but they are quite small 10cmx10cm . Several companies deal in them but they all use amazon. I guess you would be able to get in Chemist  or herbal shop as they are not medical  as such. There was a gel on there too. Hope thats of help maybe still ask GP  or cancer staff first  see if they think its worth a try. 

  • Thank you Katie, very grateful.