Re awaited results

  • 11 replies
  • 70 subscribers

I have recieved a message yesterday on my phone  for an appointment next week  I presume  for my biopsy results. So that is quite good  14 day turn round. Hope everyone else is  satisfied with their turn round on results as I know it varies from Hospital to Hospital. 

  • Hi   14 days is average for biopsy reports, but like you say it is a post code lottery. Good luck for next week, please let us know how you get on. 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Thank you will let you know how it goes next week. 

  • Hopefully Fingers crossed fingers crossed it’s the news you want . It’s scary waiting I will be thinking of you 

    1. Hi I have had to wait 3 long weeks but today is the day I go to get my results. Its a weird feeling as I want to know what I'm facing but also don't want to know if that makes sense. My appt isn't till 1.15 so it's going to be a long morning x x
  • Looks like we both have a strained day ahead , your waits shorter than mine. My appointments not till nearly 4pm.  But we will leave home before then. Fingers crossed for you that all goes as well as can be. Mine is more about what treatment is proposed or not.  I'm having my first cataract op on Saturday too  so a busy week.  Good luck.  

  • Wishing you both  and  all the very best for today. X 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
    • Hope you appt goes well too.  They told me they were 80% sure it is cancer so still a chance of good news but I'm going prepared for bad. Just want to know what's ahead.
  • My appointment was not good news  but now we know whats going to happen. Referral to oncology for radiotheraphy if that does not work on to pallliative treatment. But even this all takes time.  How did your appointment go , well I hope. ? My cancer is adeno carcinoma of the lung. 

  • Oh I'm so sorry you got bad news. I'm worrying even more now as my biopsy came back ' inconculsive' so I still don't know anymore. Its in my breast at my biopsy they said it was small but the consultant yesterday said its about 5cm and that's worrying. I have got to go in for an op to take about 2cm away for more testing then wait for results again! It's all this not knowing that's messing with my mind. Good luck to you with your treatment hope it works for you.