Re awaited results

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  • 70 subscribers

I have recieved a message yesterday on my phone  for an appointment next week  I presume  for my biopsy results. So that is quite good  14 day turn round. Hope everyone else is  satisfied with their turn round on results as I know it varies from Hospital to Hospital. 

  • thank you Trentend59 for your reply. Sorry you are getting the run around , its strange in the old days they would have removed the lump precautionary and biopsied it after removal.  Now apparrently they cannot say cancer without biopsy first  then treatment. I have a freinds sister who has been waiting for months since her biopsy for the same as you. Hopefully you won't have to wait too long  for biopsy and results.  I have been going from department  to department  since January  the waiting is hard and I think we all wonder is it growing  just like you are doing.  Speed is very relevent in breast cancer as it is curable the quicker its treated so I understand your concerns  and wish you every good luck with a speedy  responce to your breast lump.  Your journey seems like mine and I had a caner removed less than 12 months ago. But they have said they will monitor me more closely in future.  Best wishes