Liver lesion ? Adenoma - resection in 2 weeks

  • 23 replies
  • 6 subscribers

Hi everyone , firstly I’d like to say how in awe I am of you for facing the stuggleS you do and carrying on - I think you’re all amazing !

i had a suspicious lesion discovered 2015 on u/s - had mri decided was an adenoma measuring 0.8 cm so 8 mm 

fast forward to Dec 18 and after a scan on my kidneys I was called back by the consultant to say I need urgent mri due to 2.2cm lesion found and can’t rule out sinister lesion ...

had two ct’s and an mri was called in to gastric consultant meeting with a cancer nurse who attended much to my surprise ...

they want to do liver resection at a specialist hosp in Surrey due to the growth and structure ...they ‘think’ it’s in keeping with an adenoma but can’t be sure and has 25% chance can turn into carcinoma if left. I’m 36 and have three girls . My husband is v worried 

just looked at the initial ct scan and it says ‘mildly hyoerintense on t2..’

Hypointense t1 this of course means nothing to me - I have limited health knowledge as I’m a midwife but no clue what this means !!? 

Gid knows how I will manage with resection and a baby and two kids  gall bladder also being removed ..

my questions are ( and my case is so mildness in comparison to you brave people I probably shouldn’t even be posting here !?) 

how is recovery from liver reaction mine is in section 5 and does anyone know what the findings mean in layman’s terms ?! Thank you if anyone has read this far 

I wish you all the very best to beat the awful disease x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Net 

    I’m  so sorry I thought i’d Replied but just logged into see my massive essay email didn’t send :( ! 

    Hope you’re well ? How are you?

    I’m doing a lot better now thank you - it’s an op I really wouldn’t want repeated ! Very poorly afterwards -Was readmitted at local hospital (not the hosp I had resection done)  as Drs thought I  had sepsis and an abscess but it turned out I had segment 7 and 6 packed with’ surgicel ‘- (a gauze that should be reabsorbed ) during  surgery as I haemorrhaged very badly during the op- my body then started to attack it as was a foreign object  ...Guildford hosp didn’t tell me that until local hosp were about to put a drain in me ! Had they said theyd packed

    my liver with surgicel it may not have caused the drs at my hosp to flap thinking was an abscess...still ..very good news was that when I had my post op in Guildford they told me the tumour was benign, which was a massive relief as seeing such poorly people on my ward was so sad and eye opening how different things can be and could have been ... 

    I have a CT scan  Wednesday again to check the surgicel hasn’t calcified as still in a lot of pain but guess only 5.5 weeks after resection - it’s worse at night like a sharp pain right where liver is - not sure how long it'll

    take to settle ?? I had the gallbladder removed too as wasn’t in a good way but I can’t complain- it’s all done now and I am one of the lucky ones to not have ca- it’s funny the relief you feel then almost a guilt that others aren’t so lucky ...especially remembering how sick some were on the ward with very negative prognosis’s...thank you for asking- it’s very kind of you and I hope you are okay x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thanks for letting me know Maria.  Sounds like you had an awful time but like you said all done now and on road to recovery.  It is an awful operation without all the extras you had to deal with.

    I am so pleased that your results were benign.

    Wishing you all the best

    Net xx

  • Hi Maria, 

    I haven't logged in for ages - I am so glad to hear your tumour was benign! What an absolute relief! Shame about the rather dramatic operation and lack of communication between the hospitals but I guess that's water under the bridge now.

    Pain 5 weeks or so after resection sounds normal to me based on what others have written (when Mum was diagnosed I trawled through the entire history of the Liver group!). Do ask for pain meds if that might help, you shouldn't be in pain unless it's unavoidable. Would it help to sleep in a different position? 

    All the best and get well soon,
