Liver lesion ? Adenoma - resection in 2 weeks

  • 23 replies
  • 6 subscribers

Hi everyone , firstly I’d like to say how in awe I am of you for facing the stuggleS you do and carrying on - I think you’re all amazing !

i had a suspicious lesion discovered 2015 on u/s - had mri decided was an adenoma measuring 0.8 cm so 8 mm 

fast forward to Dec 18 and after a scan on my kidneys I was called back by the consultant to say I need urgent mri due to 2.2cm lesion found and can’t rule out sinister lesion ...

had two ct’s and an mri was called in to gastric consultant meeting with a cancer nurse who attended much to my surprise ...

they want to do liver resection at a specialist hosp in Surrey due to the growth and structure ...they ‘think’ it’s in keeping with an adenoma but can’t be sure and has 25% chance can turn into carcinoma if left. I’m 36 and have three girls . My husband is v worried 

just looked at the initial ct scan and it says ‘mildly hyoerintense on t2..’

Hypointense t1 this of course means nothing to me - I have limited health knowledge as I’m a midwife but no clue what this means !!? 

Gid knows how I will manage with resection and a baby and two kids  gall bladder also being removed ..

my questions are ( and my case is so mildness in comparison to you brave people I probably shouldn’t even be posting here !?) 

how is recovery from liver reaction mine is in section 5 and does anyone know what the findings mean in layman’s terms ?! Thank you if anyone has read this far 

I wish you all the very best to beat the awful disease x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I had an appointment about a week before I'm where they went though it all in detail with me.  In icu you do get the one to one and yes, catheter, pic line and drain.

    I was given tramadol and cocodimol.

    Carrying your little one will be a big no no for a while. You can't be lifting for a while. I was told not to drive for 6 weeks but was naughty and drive after 3 which wasn't overly comfy.

    Work wise 12 weeks is very realistic. You may need longer everyone is different. I wasn't working at the time but after 12 weeks i would not have been comfatable going back to doing the caring job that I was doing shortly before.

    When you get that pre op appointment you also get a specialist nurse who you can contact. They are really helpful. 



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you Net - I don’t think

    I will be able to 

    have much briefing beforehand as when I went for my appmnt with Mr Worthington ( 3 hour drive ...) I ended up seeing his Reg ( my Consultants at my local hosp had had an mdt meeting and decided to refer me to Guildford to see Mr Worthington as needed specialist input ) which when I saw his Reg it felt a little pointless as he didn’t know why i was there and had no access or so he said to my images from ct and mri’s I had had done previously ...he asked me initially to

    come back another day !! I said I can’t really do that as I’d been referred by the consultants at Conquest hosp because they thought it shld be removed and it had taken me three hours to get there ...

    Mr W the Cons then came and apologised five mins later said he remembered my case from the meeting and he wanted to operate I didn’t really get much chance to chat as was taken to pre op there and then ...I briefly saw the liver nurse but haven’t had that much input from Guildford as yet ...the ca burse at my local hosp has been good but they don’t deal

    with liver ops there her knowledge is limited ..

    i feel

    panicked at this op when she mentioned pic lines and drains and icu as from my own experience working at hosp I know only v  sick people go there and have that ...I was in total denial before ...

    im a neonatal midwife so a fair bit of lifting at work - however with. 6 month old it’s going to be v hard too :( x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Maria

    I feel for you as it dosnt sound like you are getting much support from the hospital.  I hope i have not made you worry more talking about my operation.

    I was very well looked after in Guilford following the op. Don't be panicked by going into icu as its more that you are one to one monitored following the op.

    Sorry for delay in replying, my boyfriend took me to Venice for a few days.

    Let me know how you get on. Your in my thoughts.

    Net x

  • Hi Maria,

    i was just wondering how things were going/you were feeling and whether you’d heard any more about your operation? 



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I saw the sergeon yesterday, he said the tredmill test came op with a fitness level of 8 and trials have shown that in order to survive the section of the liver you have to be 10 or above. So I am going to have to live with it. I would like to hear from someone who is doing that. 

    Regards Tony

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Where did you have this done can I ask ? I didn’t have anything like this and now I’m worried I’m not particularly fit after having a c section 6months ago ...I’m having surgery in less than a week ...! 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Net thank you for emailing back, don’t apologise ! Wow Venice how lovely - hope you had a lovely time ? 

    No no you didn’t panic me

    - I think it’s good to hear from people who have had the same op especially in the same hosp ...

    i had a call today from

    the Consultant’s Secretary just to say after my latest CT can last week he still wants to go ahead with the resection ( was hoping it would have miraculously disappeared!) no such luck ..

    however .. even though I’m in his diary for that and gallbladder removal I’m not on the system so I’m a little worried after arranging everything and travelling up there they’ll say no surgery has been booked ! I’m ringing back’s not leaving me with a lot of confidence...!

    thanks again for all your support everyone xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to hrimalf

    Hi Rachel thank you for emailing - hope you’re well and your mum is okay ..? 

    I’m to have it done next Tuesday 11th and travelling up the Monday. Absolutely dreading it - not just the op but all the arranging around it with three young kids and three dogs :( I know this is nothing in comparison to to some

    people here ..:(  

    i wish I didn’t get so worked up having surgery - it’s a control thing and anaesthesia...

    thanks for your support , especially with your mum so poorly xxx

  • Hi Maria, 

    I'm doing ok thanks, Mum is much the same - she got temporarily taken off her cancer drug because she had a chest infection for a week but back on it now. She had a couple of litres of fluid drained off her lungs last week which was quite an ordeal, we are hoping it doesn't all come back. 

    Yeah, three kids AND three dogs is a lot to organise! It sounds totally normal to be dreading it, I'm sure I would be. Good that it's happening soon though, it will also be over soon x

    Let us know how it all goes and we are here if you think of more questions, etc. 

    Rachel x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Maria

    Was wondering how things are going for you?

    Net x