Advice please

  • 10 replies
  • 75 subscribers

I was diagnosed with a slow growing incidental finding, 2.5mm in november, having had a biopsy in September.the so and so has been monitored for a while after double mastectomy. 

I had some tests to assess my eligibility for the operation and it's all clear to go.mainly it was due to my bmi however I have comorbidities from other conditions.ive been losing weight last 7 mths naturally which I'm proud of but need to keep going.

Basically my question is, I've not heard anything.i know I'm in the system.should I call? Should I wait? The 'not getting the ball rolling means it's on your mind more'.having read these blogs i know it's small.

Thanks for letting me put thoughts on paper.

  • From my personal experience, make the call. You will at least get an answer of where u are in the system. Well done on the weight loss. I know it's not easy when your mind is worrying. Hugs Smiley

  • Ring the appointment centre at your hospital to find out if you have been placed on a waiting list . I hope you're ok

  • Thank you.youve confirmed what I thought.

    I like to control my thoughts so it doesn't control me.

  • Thank you.youve confirmed my gut.ill phone tomorrow. 

  • One of my nurses gave me advice and it stuck with me...she said something like..when diagnosed with cancer you feel u have no control because it's all in the hands oh the doctors and nursing team. She said take control of what you can. This was just before my I came home and took the time making my nest, because I knew I would be in recovery and ko energy for housework etc. I also did my research ( from British, good sources) so I had a list of all i wanted yo ask the consultant or nurses. So take control of what u can. And your phone call is the start...hugest hugs sweety...always here if u need a shoulder..

  • Agree thank you

  • Definitely call them. I work for the NHS myself .  Call the hospital and ask for the appointment centre. 

  • Thank you.ive just done it, spoke to consultants secretary, couldn't find my name in any lists.shes going to look into it and get an appointment sent.

  • That is what happened to me in January. And like u I didn't want to bother them. Learn this lesson..admin is shocking , nurses and doctors amazing. So if ever in doubt don't dither just ring...hugest hugs...

  • NHS is amazing. So very grateful to the wonderful staff.

    I agree.if you don't hear make that glad I did.

    Thank you. ( it also takes away the niggling worrying in my mind)