Solid mass

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Hi, i had a scan 2 weeks ago, i was told that the mass is solid and 6.5x6x6cm in size. Im not sure if this is considered large or not and no idea what kind of surgery they will want to do, all they've said so far is it should be cured with intent. They are assuming it's cancer but im a bit lost as to what will happen and how fast things will move forward, my test results are being discussed by an expert kidney surgeon and the cmdt. Has anyone had a mass the same size ish as mine and if so what was your experience.


  • Hi Simon, mine was a 5cm mass and was smack bang in the middle of my right kidney so I had the kidney removed in September. It was contained so I was very lucky with no ongoing treatment. 
    I’m now 8 weeks post op and went back to the gym this week but still being careful and back to work next week x 

  • Hi, thanks for replying. Ive no idea where mine is located other than its on the left kidney, they said there was no sign of it spreading, which is some good news at least, so they might take the whole kidney if its that big.

    How quick did you get your op after they found it?


  • I had my ct scan at the end of June and surgery 14th Sept. They said it was very slow growing and I’d probably had it for years so I wasn’t worried if the op was delayed for a month or two. 
    I went through the nhs and had the op in a bus hospital but by a private consultant. The nhs were brilliant x 

  • That was quite quick, hope mine is as id rather get it over with as soon as possible but it all depends how busy they are. Ct scan was a week after they found it so that was pretty quick.

    The not knowing anything is the worst part of it all. 

  • The ct scan was quick so I hope your results are quick coming back too. Try and keep busy beforehand and I know it’s hard but try and remain positive and don’t google anything… you’ll be in good hands x 

  • Hi Simon

    It took me a year after diagnosed until agreeing to surgery,my choice,but eventually had a partial nephrectomy last Dec.About 6 week wait,I think in most cases they would try a partial nephrectomy,but they can't guarantee saving the rest of a healthy kidney,sometimes have to remove it all.

    My surgeon said if you wake up with 1 big scar,your whole kidney has gone,if you find 4 small scars it was partial.Was advised likely asymptomatic,but far from it ,eventually pain threshold gave and had op,clear on that kidney but now new diagnosis on my right kidney,so likely chemo/radiotherapy .

    • Dr that found mine said everything will happen quite rapidly and they will cut it out but didn't specify whether it would be full or partial. Just have to wait and see what the surgeons decide. 
    • Hate waiting tho lol. 
  • Hi I had a scan at the beginning of the month and had my follow up today. I was told that I have a tumour greater than 7cm and have been advised that the best course of action is to have my whole kidney removed 1) because of the size and 2) because of the position. I was in shock as this was only picked up due to a fall in June. I was told if it was less than 7cm it would have been easier  t to remove the tumour and only a partial removal of the kidney but as mine is greater than 7 they recommend removing the whole kidney. I will be having keyhole surgery. I know what you mean about being at a bit of a loss because that’s exactly how I’m feeling. I’m 43 and mother to a 12&15 year old. I haven’t mentioned cancer but have told them I’ll be having a kidney removed, as my daughter is doing her gcse this year I don’t want her to worry. The consultant who will be doing the surgery says that this procedure should eradicate the cancer as it hasn’t spread to other parts of the body. I’ve been advised that I should have the op within the next 4 weeks.

  • They're only at discussion stage at the moment, no one has told me anything about where the mass is on the kidney, for me the worst bit is not knowing anything, not to worried about the mass itself, the misses is more upset than i am about it. Im 44 and normally very healthy so hopefully recovery will be quick. I have been nauseous, getting headaches and very tired lately, dont know if that's common with renal masses. The only thing i do know is that the op will be done in exeter which is 50 miles away from home so wont get any visitors while im there, will treat it a a little break and catch up on some sleep lol

  • I was tired on the lead up to the op and took naps in the day time when possible. Try and get as much rest as you can on the lead up to the op. I’m now post op and my energy levels are returning x