Still in shock

  • 47 replies
  • 79 subscribers

I was told 10 days ago that I have a tumour on my right kidney, and I’m still reeling from the shock. Does everyone feel like this? I feel like I’ve been hit by a bus! 

  • Hi there, I had exactly the same news in June this year. I went for an ultrasound as thought I had a hernia but had a call the next day to say they’d found a 5cm tumour on my right kidney. We’d just landed in Rome for our 20th wedding anniversary so was very upsetting. However, once I’d seen the consultant and had a ct scan I felt very reassured knowing the plan forwards. 
    I had my kidney removed yesterday by keyhole and the op was a success. 
    hang in there and you’ll feel better once you know more news. It was a total shock for me as I’m a fitness instructor, I don’t drink or smoke and keep myself very healthy x 

  • Hi there, yep, I think that's a pretty normal reaction.  I think it takes weeks or months to get used to the situation.   

  • I guess so, thanks. 
    I hope you’re doing ok 

  • Thank you. I’ve had more scans and have an appointment this week so will know more then. I’m expecting something similar to you, keyhole surgery partial or full removal. 
    Glad to hear your op has been successful, hope you have a trouble free recovery. 
    thanks again x

  • Thank you. Keep us updated on here and hope you start to feel as ok as you can about the situation. Remember you’re not alone xxxx

  • Yes exactly the same, incidentally finding, total shock back in April, op done and dusted, returned to work 4 weeks ago now, still healing, but onwards and upwards. 
    stay strong  

  • Thank you, that’s great news that you’re doing so well. 

  • Always here, like Davina said you're not alone. I found this place to be supportive, especially when no one else around you is going through the same things (friends or family) , it's nice to be able to share with others going through exactly the same experiences xx  

    ps my family were very supportive. X 

  • Thank you. Mine are too but it’s great to share with people who really understand how it feels. 

  • Hi,

    I was sent for a ultrasound in march for high liver function. 

    They found my right kidney had a 8cm lump on it.

    I was in shock for weeks after being told . 

    I had my op in July in london done keyhole  roboticly. 

    The op went well was home within two days .

    You are not alone .

    I found talking about it helped a lot, my neighbours family and friends have been a great support .

    Hope you get your operation soon .

    Keep strong .