Still in shock

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  • 77 subscribers

I was told 10 days ago that I have a tumour on my right kidney, and I’m still reeling from the shock. Does everyone feel like this? I feel like I’ve been hit by a bus! 

  • Thank you so much. It’s really good to hear from people who’ve been through it and are coming out the other end. I’m finding it helpful to talk about it too, no point pretending nothing’s happening! 
    glad you’re doing well x

  • Thats exactly how Im feeling today having been for a consultation yesterday thinking I was going to be told I had a kidney stone. Cant focus on anything at present other than the ordeal ahead.

  • Thats very reassuring to hear thats what I am facing keyhole robotic.  Were you in a lot of pain after?

  • The waiting is murder isn’t it. I’ve got an appointment tomorrow and hope to have a plan then. 
    Hang in there x

  • I was in a lot of pain , as I had to have a larger incision done to remove the kidney and tumor.  The other incisions wasn't as painful. 

    They gave me a block during the op so that helped with the pain for a while . 

    You must keep on top of the pain so ask for pain relief, don't suffer in silence.  

    Hope your op goes well .keep us all informed of your recovery.

    Take care 

  • The pain doesn't sound too good.  I've been told too that the back incision will be larger too to get kidney out.  

  • Hi I didn't have a incision at the back .

    All my incisions were at the front  one on my hip 

    3 right side of stomach and the 8inch one was in between hip and stomach .

    Don't worry too much about the pain it is bearable just make sure you keep on top of it with pain killers .

    I sat in a car for over four hours two days after the op to go home . 

    Take one day at a time .

  • Ornament yours sounds like mine, I have 4 incisions (below belly button and 3 more to my left side, then an 8incision to the bottom half, hip/stomach - imagine more  to the side of you where you would have a c section.. more to side, to explain it .. 

    don't worry about the pain, the pain is manageable, just stay strong.. of course you'll have good days and bad days but keep positive Thumbsup tone1

  • How are you feeling LJT? X 

  • Much more reassured now I know it hasn’t spread. I don’t have a date yet but I feel much more optimistic about it all. 
    thank you for asking x