
  • 22 replies
  • 149 subscribers

Hi everyone, to all you tonsil cancer Survivors, quick question, does everyone avoid alcohol or do you enjoy alcohol drinks as before, are we advised not to drink after treatment? thanks 

  • Alcohol wasn't mentioned. 

    I'm fond of a nice real ale and have one twice a week. I have abandoned spirits forever, not because I can't drink any but I think it's a bad idea....

    I do have a nice full bodied red wine now and then 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019

    I wrote a blog about my cancer. just click on the link below 

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • Thanks Dani, I’m post 15 months and like you say not been mentioned much, I’m really partial to a vodka, not daily, not even weekly but when I do I like to knock a few back! But obviously reoccurrence is something I really panic about so maybe I should ask consultant x

  • Hi Delilah. For me my mouth can’t tolerate alcohol I’ve had the odd sip of my hubby s  wine but it burns. I wasn’t a drinker pre  treatment for a good number of years I couldn’t cope with the headaches once  I hit my 40 s. Like Dani it wasn’t mentioned at an6 appointment s but I think I would be wary of spirits. I have an alcohol free  beer. Maybe ask at your next consult?


    Hazel aka RadioactiveRaz 

    My blog is  HPV 16+ tonsil cancer Now  6 years  post treatment. 35 radiotherapy 2 chemo T2N2NM.Happily getting on with living always happy to help

  • partial to a vodka, not daily, not even weekly but when I do I like to knock a few back

    That's classed as binge drinking and for me would be a complete no no 

    Studies also show that head and neck cancer survivors who continue moderate to heavy alcohol use are at an increased risk of recurrence, may have lower survival rates, and have a higher rate of second cancers.

    However the odd binge seems acceptable to other studies. Your oncologist's opinion will likely fall either side of the argument.

    So you pays your money and takes your choice. 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019

    I wrote a blog about my cancer. just click on the link below 

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • Hi Delilah , a subject close to my heart. I’m early doors in my recover only 8 months post RT and chemo. Unfortunately my relationship  with alcohol is at an all time low. Prior to treatment I loved my red wine and a wee tipple of Irish whiskey occasionally , both these are now off limits . Red wine immediately dries out my mouth and Irish just burns like acid even watered down. I can about cope with a couple of half pints lager and maybe a glass of rose with ice and/or water. Stanley Tucci the actor who had similar cancer wrote in his book for first year he could only have wine wine piles of ice ? I’m hoping that further down line I might be able to have glass of red wine with a meal. In regards to  being advised for or against alcohol , my oncologist said if you able and it makes you happy carry on ( in moderation) , I think your a long time dead , enjoy what you enjoy when your still able. Hopefully someone might advise me if the burn with alcohol will ever ease ?

  • Oh thanks Brian that really helps that your oncologist has said that because we can only go on their advice! Sorry to hear your still experiencing burning, I am 16 months post now so done twice as long so hang on in there, I’m sure it will improve, although I’m a vodka person I do have a mixer, so wondering if you tried your much loved whiskey as a weak one with a mixer you could enjoy the taste without the burn maybe. I was luck or maybe unlucky I opened a bottle of bubbly 3 months after to celebrate clear scan and it tasted good! But even now I still have foods that don’t taste right or are not like they used to be, but as for dryness that’s def got better so hang on in there and keep forcing it down get those saliva glands working!! Thanks for the advise though, take care 

  • Hi there.  I have posted about alcohol before.  I do enjoy a drink, especially champagne.  I can drink rose with fizzy water and ice.  I am nearly 2 years post.   My consultant said this cancer is not a lifestyle cancer but to stick to the recommend 14 units per week.  Most weeks I am much less than that but if the family are up and it’s a party etc…. I can’t drink white or red and don’t really drink spirits.   But as Beesuit says, recently I have read a few published studies suggesting that people who drink are not doing themselves any favours.  I do agree with you Brian, we should be able to enjoy ourselves here and there. .. it’s hard.  I am very healthy in other respects. I wonder what other people’s thoughts are?   All the best to everyone.  Lizzie

  • Hi Lizzie, totally agree with you , I asked my oncologist if my tonsil cancer was a direct result of any lifestyle choices and his reply , because I can hear it in my head , was your just unlucky ! Anyway , do you think fizzy water helps better than still water with rose? I’m still fingers crossed for red wine sometime , I will forgo Irish Whiskey. It’s not that I’m a big drinker it’s just it’s such a part of our social setting and just like a wee tipple 

  • Hi Brian.  I think fizzy works quite well with lots of ice.  Like a long drink.  I agree, it’s the social setting I enjoy, relaxing and laughing etc.  

  • For me, personally, I feel that this cancer has taken enough from me and from my life thus far.

    Still can't eat properly 2 years on and all the consequences of that i.e. not able to eat out socially, etc; my voice is changedBeerspossibly forever; a close friendship ended because my friend couldn't cope with the idea of me having cancer, etc etc, and so my approach to alcohol is, hey I enjoy a beer (used to be wine but can't manage it anymore -another pleasure gone) and therefore I'll damn well have one whenever I like!! And I do. Cheers all Beers