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My step dad went for Endoscopy on 21.01 he went to the doctors the week before due to some food feeling like it was getting stuck. After the endoscopy we was told they had found a small tumour and they had taken 12 biopsies from the tumour and areas around it. They rang him the next day and booked him in for CT Scans on the Saturday. A specialist nurse rang and went through some health questions and a dietician rang. We didn’t hear anything till yesterday after the MDT meeting my step dad had a call to book him in with the upper GI surgery on Monday at 3pm we took that as a good sign that it might not be anything to serious as we thought he would be booked to see a cancer specialist if it was that but now I’m not sure. Is it good news that he’s seeing a surgeon does anyone have the same type of experience we are still hoping it’s benign. 

  • If he's seeing a surgeon then I would suggest that's a good sign as they wouldn't be seeing him unless it was curable in all probability 

  • Thank you for your reply, yes that is what I was hoping. I thought the exact same why would they bother to operate if it wasn’t well that’s what I was hoping thank you 

  • I hope that seeing the surgeon is a good sign. My husband had an almost identical timeline and when the letter came through for the appointment with the surgeon we convinced ourselves this meant he would be having the tumour removed in the way the endoscopist had described. Unfortunately, when we got to that appointment the surgeon told us in a very awkward but clear way that surgery wasn't an option. There was a specialist nurse with us the whole time and the subsequent conversation made us think the worst. Several days later, the oncologist sort of confirmed this but her answers to our questions about best and worst case scenarios were, understandably, based on statistics. It would be impossible for them to give specifics for each individual. Worst case scenario, barring death from infection, we would be at end of life now. Instead, tumours are shrinking, no swallowing problems, manageable side effects, we went skiing last week, have another trip this week, between cycles and we're all cherishing every day. The MDT told that the aim with his treatment is for quality of life. So far, my husband is happy that this is being achieved.

    I hope for you all that your stepDad's OC is curable.

    Sending my best wishes,


  • Honestly they must know we would think this is a good sign so why would they send us to a surgeon to just be told that I’m so sorry use had to go through that I can imagine how use felt as we all felt positive when he got the call yesterday. After reading stuff online though I then went to 50/50 again. I don’t understand why they wouldn’t just book us in with an oncologist then you can prepare for the worst. He was just told appointment is Monday with Jenny in the upper gi surgery and his specialist nurse hasn’t rang to say she will be there. I think I’m just looking for an answer that says everything will be okay even though I don’t even know what it is. I’m really sorry about your news but it sounds like you’re living the best life possible and I hope it carries on that way for a very very long time. Thank you for your reply Lorraine sending best wishes back to you and I hope use have an amazing trip this week 

  • Gosh I’m impressed how quickly that had all happened and although I have no idea whether it would be good news or bad news at least you won’t have to be waiting for ages to see a surgeon. One thing I would say it do you have the NHS app as MDT reports are on there and it will give you a idea what was discussed hope it is good news which stands a chance as it’s happened so quickly what pert of the country are you ?

    take care Tricia x

  • Hi Tricia yes it has been really quick they said at the first appointment that it should all be done and results with in 2 weeks so Monday is a day before the 2 weeks which is really good. We are in Manchester I wasn’t sure if I could mention the name of the hospital but it’s Salford royal I do think they are quite quick when it comes to things like this. He hasn’t had one letter it’s all been phone calls since his gp referred him so not waiting times with letters being sent out. No everyone in the family has the app and my step dad is the only one who doesn’t have it. I can’t remember how you set them up I might see if I can set it up for him now I’m also scared though of what I might find. I do feel sorry for people who have to wait longer than 2 weeks as it’s a nightmare and we have just about coped waiting this long. Thank you so much Tricia I’m hoping for that good news really bad you take care to and thank you for your reply x 

  • I do hope it is ! the only reason I asked about what part of the country you are is because I’m in Bristol and one of the consultants is called Jenni and she is lovely ! I spent a month in hospital getting tests and once all the tests were completed I saw a oncologist and offered chemo which I have just completed and then surgery in March so it’s taken me 4months to get this far which is why I’m really impressed. Wishing your father inlaw all the best for Monday Tricia x

  • Thank you so much Tricia I’m hoping and praying for the best possible outcome. That is great news though it sounds like yours is going well with surgery in March as well I do hope it all goes well for you it’s sounding good with chemo and then surgery. Yes they have been really fast with my step dads he went to the doctors and had bloods on the Wednesday before his endoscopy so they have been great with getting everything done so quickly. Thank you and wishing you all the best for March x 

  • Hi 

    I recall from my husbands experience dealing with OC two years ago that he saw the Consultant surgeon at Salford Royal first who gave us the definitive diagnosis and went through everything regarding treatment plan etc .Then  he was referred to the Oncologist at The Christie .

    Hope  all goes well 

    Best Wishes  

  • Hi. I hope things go well for the Monday meeting. I know you are all worried as everyone is more than nervous when awaiting the outcome on diagnosis. Suggest you come back to us when you have further information. I am one among many on this site who have had surgery and can advise you further if he goes down this route. Likewise there are many others who can help if a different route is chosen. I wish your step dad all the best.