Husband update

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So little update on my husband ... well quite a long one actually Joy

He started chemo on the 30th December- improvement almost instantly. He began eating very small amounts of food and drinking his shakes . Mental health improved greatly . 

4th December he got very lethargic and was being kind  of snappy and generally different . 5th December he was showing signs of confusion and slept most of the day on the sofa in and out of sleep . I checked his temp throughout the day . By 6:30 is temperature was high . Called the emergency number and sent to medical assessment . He was in hospital for 3 nights . One the 5th his infection markers were at 270. But got better and came home . He finished his oral antibiotics and was able to begin the capecitabine on the evening of November 12! 
  So since then his appetite is through the roof but he's again bringing up spit , I've noticed it's getting less like paste now.  He was taking paracetamol 4000mg a day but now as and when needed . He's getting annoyed because he can't quite eat what he wants yet . He no longer uses shakes and is just having meals . 

He does complain of chest pain at times  . He said his chest isn't tight or giving shortness of breath .  He says it tumour pain . It's doesn't last long and paracetamol does  help .One of his nurses said pain In the  area is a good sign that the tumour is being effected by the capox (but I can't find evidence of this online ) Do people feel pain around the tumour during chemo ? 

Hes having a PICC Line fitted tomorrow (he's nervous) and he's back at the Marsen on sat for a Pet scan they want for a baseline . Hes also able to have a treatment called Claudin 18.2. Due to chemo being delayed for a week due to the infection his bloods  are on the 27th and 2nd round 28th 

He looks fantastic since he's started treatment and he even looked good in the hospital (well from the 2nd night ) He's working in his office and driving about , he talks a lot more too.
People who saw in December can't believe the difference . A lot to do with his mental state too I think .!

im just so very keen for him to be able to eat a little better but im aware hes totally new to this journey . 

Im actually coping so well and I feel so much better . Feel actually quite proud and surprised ! Full of optimism as always Heart️ and still reading books (massive bookworm) Joy

I hope every one is doing as well as they possibly can 

Tiff xx

  • Hi Tiff
    Thanks for the update ! Good and bad news but mostly good ! Glad everyone’s feeling better and more positive tell him not to worry about having the picc line fitted I’ve had two and they do a local anesthetic so you don’t feel much and it’s so much easier than trying to find a vein each time ! Not sure I can suggest anything about eating I have just started eating again paste gone thank goodness but I’m very careful what I eat a lot of things I haven’t been brave enough to try yet tend to stick to what I know suits mostly fish or things with sauce that goes down easily! 
    Really good news though 

    Tricia x

  • Hi Tiff,

    So happy to hear that things are generally improving. The treatment for this cancer is a very tough road to follow and there are many ups and downs along the way. Your husband is very lucky to have you by his side. Best wishes to you both. CB

  • Hi Tricia

    Great you're eating again Grinning He just wants random things we wouldn't usually eat for evening meals . 
    Yesterday , fried eggs, beans and he ate some toast . Before treatment any food eaten would then be brought up in huge lumps up  . 

    im sure his chest pain feels worse this morning as he anxious about the line being fitted 

    I do try my best to manage his expectations, I know this is a life changing hard road . The thing is ,I know so much more about it all. I was peeping on this forum from late October due to my worries . But here we are . This forum is a godsend 

    All the best 


  • Thankyou 

    We have fallen into a routine , I love doing absolutely anything I can do to make his life easier . I'm massaging poly balm on his toes 3 times a day . True love . I wouldn't of done that before Joy


  • I must mention that one to my wife…lol

  • Thing is you gets this fancy for food that you might not normally eat but when you eat it it doesn’t taste quite how you think it will ! It’s very odd ! 
    sending him my support on his journey the picc line will be another hurdle passed ! Maybe you could rub his toes while he’s having it fitted Joytake his mind off it ! 

    Tricia x

  • What does poly balm do ? 

  • It's a balm clinically proven to reduce damage to nails from chemo . We got it as a prevention. He's noticed his fingers nails feel a little different.

  • Another bloody update 

    severe !!chest pain so our hospital told us to go straight to A&E . So far ECG fine, bloods taken , temp and BP fine . 
    will keep you all posted !

    This really is a rollercoaster isn't it ? My sons 16th today (he's quite happy he's been given a credit card and gone shopping with his nana) Joy 


  • Oh dear hope he’s ok keep us updated please x