best way to prop yourself up for sleeping and j-peg feeding advice thank you

  • 12 replies
  • 52 subscribers

hi all thought i would put this on its own chat, after the wallpaper paste making a regular come back last few days, and especially waking almost on the hour coughing and choking, with hardly any sleep and my food line imminent this thursday, whats the best figuration to manage these symptons and the next stage.

have the large "v" shape pillow from the masectomy days last october, and a couple of flattish pillows, but just doesnt seem to prop me up enough, off to the local "range" and "dunelm" after the lung function test today, so assume the fatter the better, tried various ways without much success, apart from sitting up downstairs on the sofa.

also genuinely cant see how the food and pump will work while i am trying to sleep, and with my awful weight at the moment, will assume straight to connect with the food/pump.  quite nervous about this, but know its a must, i look awful and feel so unwell and swallowing is getting harder. with the constant stuck feeling, even with my tablets this morning, which wasnt an issue a few days ago!!

thank you all again for your invaluable advice and experience, heres to a new week, what ever its going to bring x
