constantly bringing up bile like wallpaper paste, everytime i try to eat

  • 11 replies
  • 53 subscribers

going in for pre op assessment and then oncologist meeting to see which way they want to treat my T2 cancer.  trying so hard to maintain my weight prior to any procedure, but nearly everytime i eat, feels like food is stuck, then massive amount of thick gloopy pale bile comes up, along with what ever little i have eaten, has any one else had this, am waiting for call back from dietician, but just cant keep anything down

thank you

  • Hi W1cky welcome to the forum. That doesnt sound very pleasant at all and it would be good if the dietician would get back to you. If this persists over the weekend and you have no contact from the Dietician I would be tempted to call 111 out of hours and see if you can get any help with this.   


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  • hello Wicky

    Not sure where you are on your journey, I am 6mths post operation, I had FLOT (chemo) Op. then more FLOT.  When I was diagnosed I was finding it hard to eat as it felt that food was getting stuck, before I had FLOT it got to a point where I was unable to eat, bring up frothy blob and food. The dietitian proscribed shake, food supplements until this passed which was after 2 rounds of FLOT. I would speak to your team, eat mushing food, shakes, smoothies to help keep your strength up. It will get better.

    stay strong

     Best wishes Jennie SparklesSunflower

  • Hi,

    Yes my dad is suffering with this alot lately. Alot of the foods he could eat he can no longer eat as they are getting stuck which is resulting in what your experiencing. He has started to know when it's getting stuck and stops eating. He has had to go back to more mushy foods and his shakes to get calories in. Dr Fong didn't seem too concerned about this as he said a stent could be a possible pathway to see if it will help. 

    We have been going through this journey now since December 2023 with just chemotherapy only. He starts his radiotherapy tomorrow which we are hoping will help relieve his back pain as that's his worse symptom at the moment. 

    Take care 

    Kayleigh x

  • thank you all, so frustrating, just getting over sudden right masectomy sept last year and during radiotherapy said to the oncologist time and time again, im losing weight, no reason, but no appetite, told time and time again its the after effect of radiotherapy, only when it got to the stuck, difficult swallowing, my gp put in urgent referral for camera, for on my notes states "suspected oesophageal cancer" churchill did say thank god you have a good gp,as immediately T2 tumour found, so numb, not processed the breast cancer yet, and have a mammogram for the other boob this week, just praying that will be fine.  the lovely nurse did call back friday and said as above this is normal, unfortunately, restaurants, eating out, eating normal food is not the norm now, so eat and drink what you can when you can, really just trying to adjust, missing a hot dinner, tried one last time last night, didnt stay down long, so this morning soft cereal, and shakes, with soup planned for lunch.  thank you for your reassurances and support, cant believe we are back on this journey again,  take care everyone, and if any updates how the treatment is helping would be great, nurse did say after couple of treatments swallowing will get easier, trouble is i am so small any way, any weight loss is going nearer and nearer to food bag.  will find out on 18th what options we have and go from there, dont know how you turn the cancer anxious dial down a little, but will try until we get some facts.

    take care everyone, jules xx

  • Hi Jules,

    I presume that you have probably already received some dietary advice regarding keeping your weight up? For me it was things like full fat milk, adding double cream to smoothies, porridge and hot chocolates and adding cheese to everything else (cheesy scrambled eggs were a frequent lunch staple). In my case, the first chemo treatment reduced my tumour sufficiently for me to be able to eat normally again - just in time for Christmas. Never enjoyed my Christmas dinner more. I am now 6 months post surgery (had mine on the same day as Jennie) and generally doing okay. Not fully recovered yet but I was told that this can take a year or longer. Holidays already booked for November, February and May. You have a long road ahead but, with a good support team by your side, you can do it. Best wishes, CB

  • Hi Jules. You’re really going through it. Fingers crossed you can get something sorted out on the 18th. I’m sure you know, but be ready with all your questions. Take care. Julie

  • thank you all, your comments deffo give some light at the end of this flippin new cancer tunnel. currently adjusting the weekly shop ready for tomorrow!

  • Hi Jules. Just to say, you’ve got a great way of looking at things and very much admired. Best wishes, Julie

  • did any one go down to a really low weight, lost stone and a half since march when i mentioned to oncologist this wasnt normal, so very low bmi, nurse said massive op isnt on the surgeons radar as too high risk for me so chemo/radiotherapy combo, any one experience this food line that keeps geting mentioned, terrifed, the thought of no showers, bath etc, pump going, being in hospital for couple of days making me also ill in itself, any one has any experience of having this thing fitted

    many thanks

  • Hi 

    I had a Rig stomach tube fitted, I didn't have pump feeding for long hours, I syringed Fortisip into my tube. I had to have 6 Fortisip a day (the idea is to have 2 Fortisip 3 times a day but I never managed more than 1 at a time). I couldn't swallow anything, not even water, so I had to syringe everything into the feeding tube. I had to have liquid or dissolvable medicines rather than tablets. The capecitabine chemo tablets had to be dissolved in a glass of warm water, took about 20 mins to dissolve. 

    I had squamous cell carcinoma, mid oesophagus. T2N0M0. I lost a lot of weight but not to the point of having a dangerously low BMI. My treatment plan was radical chemoradiation. I had 4 cisplatin by iv, capecitabine tablets twice a day (dissolved and put through feeding tube) for 12 weeks and 25 radiotherapy which started on the same day as the 3rd cisplatin. 

    You'll be given a dietician who you can ask for help. I didn't get on with some of the flavoured Fortisips so my dietician ordered me neutral flavour which was better. 

    I showered every day with the RIG pump but didn't bath. To be honest I found the insertion of the feeding tube very painful. But it saved my life as I was nil by mouth. 

    It was all very scary at the time. I was diagnosed in March 2021 and I'm still all clear. 

    Take care,
