Picc Line Inserted

  • 31 replies
  • 49 subscribers

Hi All Just a update  i have had my picc line inserted  today better than I thought it was going to be . I sit normal after its done and i am home to get a very slight dull feeling  in the chest on the same side as picc line 

First Chemo tomorrow  I've said before i am a bit concerned but its another bridge to cross . I know i can rely on the group to help me with advice and support. stay strong everyone and you are all in my thoughts  

  • Hi Nic nac, how's things going Pal. Hope you're coping ok.

    Just thought I'd let you know the hospitals been on. As well as going for an introduction to chemo and ward thing tomorrow, I now have an appointment for picc line Thursday and chemo start Friday..... Hooray! Some proper treatment at last, 85 days in.

    Regards Geo 

  • Great news mate i know you had to wait a long time but things are on the move now buddy 

    My side effects  are kicking in early this week started now normal  around tues weds  can not wait till last one week on Fri 

    Sray safe buddy 

    Nic nac

  • Had the hospital ring back to say they were moving my pic line fitting to Friday morning, same day as chemo. Makes complete sense to me. I suggested it when they first rang and was told it's not possible as picc line needs to have been in 24 hours before chemo. Apparently not.

    Also got contrast CT scan booking tomorrow at Burton hospital after appointment at Derby. Works for me. The changes have cut my journeys from four to two. Now that's a bit more joined up... Laughing

  • Things  move now  buddy

    Nic nac

  • Hi mate!! Good news you’re finally getting somewhere!! Sounds like you’re having an extra scan thrown in!!! 
    The chemo doesn’t seem to cause many effects instantly for me, it seems to take a few days. I had 4th round Thursday and only started to really feel effects yesterday and today. Mainly tired and fuzzy head. And pins and needles/ tingling from cold. 
    and lots of farting for some reason??JoyJoy

  • Hi mate,

    when did you have latest lot? Friday?

    had my 4th Thursday. Definitely seems to get slightly worse each time. 

  • AdeG

    My side effects normally come Tuesday Wednesday  after  Chemo on Friday 

    But some reason started a bit earlier than normal  cold effect getting worse ,feel bit of flu symptoms  but nothing like full on flu 

    Going to loo a bit more than usual  but other than that all are mangerable 

    Nic nac

  • Hi Ade,

    It was the oncologist who arranged another CT scan. He said that it was a long time from march to now and he'd like another as a comparison.

    Thanks for sharing how the chemo is affecting you. Lots of farting sounds normal for me... Laughing

    When do you get to know when your operation will be?

    Best regards Geo.

  • I have conversation on the 12th on phone. So probably will find out a bit more then. I’m having an extra 2 rounds to try to get holiday in before op. So not sure…. 

  • Aw so glad things are moving for you now Geo, you have had a long wait.