I’m devastated. Got the dreaded call. Robs operation will not be taking at Hammersmith hospital on 16th April because there are no icu beds. I don’t want him to die. They won’t let him die will they?
Hi George-Mildred , I am so sorry to hear that. This is the side of Coronavirus that people don't seem to understand at all. My heart goes out to you.
Love and hugs,
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Good morning, you must be totally devastated I am so sorry. My husband went through all his treatment in 2015-2016 and although there was no coronavirus then the thought of cancellation was always on our minds. I totally understand that although this virus is affecting everyone you probably push it to the back of your mind as your hubby is your main priority. I think if MICK was going through it now the virus would be taking second place over the chance of him having treatment and that may be selfish but it’s a reality. Keep,strong and hope these measures of lockdown help the spread quickly and your hubby gets his treatment soon. Speak to the CNS and explain how you feel and what you can do in the mean time to avoid spread. Stay strong here if you need any advice xxxx Helen xxx
Thank you Helen. I’m just so upset. Especially when you see people abusing the government’s guidelines on social distancing. They will be taking up my husbands icu beds. I’m fuming.
Hi George- Mildred,
I wrote on the other thread. I can totally see your concern and worry. Undertaking that operation now must be very risky - it involves a lung deflation to start with. A Covid19 infection would be catastrophic for him. I was always told my many oncologists that human cancers do not grow that fast and he’s likely to have had it for many years already. It wasn’t due to have it for 3 weeks anyway. Just wait and see what happens - a delay of a few weeks is unlikely to make much difference especially as these operations are often cancelled anyway.
The people not social distancing are annoying me so much (my mum just shouted at someone and he told her he paid his taxes) but the majority of people I’ve seen in Chiswick have been good. From watching my dad I do not think even if we had the choice now that I would want him getting operated on just yet- it is a huge operation and he’d be in a room with Covid19 patients. Just hold tight and await further contact from the hospital. Message whenever you feel like it. Xxx
Oh thank you so much for replying to me. When you put it like that it does make me feel better. Especially if the cancer can be slow growing. I will speak to the oncologist as well and see what she says. But you are so right. How would he know that a nurse treating him hasn’t got the virus. And a deflated lung as you said would be catastrophic. I suppose I’ve got in my head that they won’t operate on him at all and just let him die. Robert was diagnosed T2N0M0 at the start so it is early. My mental health is destroyed. Robert won’t say much other than swear about the people who do not adhere to the social distancing rules. Such selfish people. I don’t think they realise how serious this is. My friends husband died of corona virus last week. He was 50 years old and leaves behind a wife and two young boys. I’ve not seen her for about a year so we’ve not had any contact. I’m keeping my Robert inside and not letting anyone in. I even bleach the mail that comes through the door!!! And I used to chuckle at Robert because of his ocd!!
Thank you again for replying to me. Xxxx
You’re welcome. I think it’s best to keep him safe inside for now and just wait and see what happens. I know I’ve wiped down all the food from the supermarket but don’t know what to do about the tomatoes (I’m wondering what’s next haha).
Take care xxx
I just wanted to send you a big virtual hug and I hope this madness is over quickly. His team will look after him and keeping him safe from any germs is so important especially right now.
My husband has just started flot chemo and the plan is for surgery mid June, but as this goes on I'm worried what will happen too, but got to take each day as it comes, although the nurse came in toflush his picc line today and asked if he's having chemo next week, as we haven't heard anything I'm hoping it's on but now I'm over thinking and that she knows something we dont
Hi so sorry it's been cancelled how is Rob eating now have a word with gi nurse after my op I went to have staples out surgeon came to c me and said everything was good also said biopsys don during were all clear and was before op but he could never be sure till op done so hopefully Rob is the same good luck and hope he,s ok
Thank you for replying John. Honestly you wouldn’t believe Rob was ill. He eats normal, he can eat absolutely anything! he is well, he’s Doing all the things he normally does. The nurses said that his latest scan couldn’t even see the tumour. So the chemo has worked. They are contacting private hospitals now so fingers crossed xx
Hi that,s exactly like I was I had chemo and radiotherapy every day for 5 weeks ongolist told me he could cure me without op but I did not believe him after wat surgeon said after op surgeon said it was gone before the op but I wanted to go ahead to make sure it had gone so a delay might be good for Rob the way things are now. 8 months on from op I feel brilliant have had 3 holidays abroad but a delay will not do any harm as surgeon said to me again good luck let me know
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