EC chemotherapy and PICC Line

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I have my treatment plan and it is to start with EC Chemotherapy.  I have been given leaflets to read about it. I will have to say I am feeling really anxious specially about PICC Line. 
has anyone here has had this treatment with or without Picc line?  What are your experiences and side effects? 


  • Hi  

    I had 3 cycles of EC without a PICC line.

    My main side effects were loss of hair, loss of taste (although that didn't last the whole time I was on EC) and feeling a bit lethargic for about half of the three week cycle.


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  • Thank you. I did mention in my meeting that I didn’t want the PICC line and was told my veins may not take the chemo.  How often did you have your chemo? Mine will be every two weeks.  The nurse I met is looking into it. The oncologist I met said maybe I should find another hospital which I thought was unhelpful. 
    M x

  • I had EC every 3 weeks for 3 cycles followed by 12 weeks of paclitaxel.

    I didn't fancy a PICC line or a portacath so asked my oncologist if I could start with a canula and, if my veins didn't hold up, swap to a PICC/port which he agreed to.

    My veins just about lasted but it did get harder and harder to find a vein which would take the canula for about the last 4 weeks.

    I think if I had to have chemo again I'd try to overcome my queasiness about having a line in as those on the chemo ward who had one had a much easier time of it when it came to attaching them to the chemo bags over those of us who had a canula.

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • i held out for cannula first time round and this time, also cold capped both times which did help with hair loss, didnt like the idea of the picc line unless absolutely necessary, so just make sure my arm is warm, hydrated and touch wood they have so far been able to take bloods and insert cannula.  there is a clip of cold capping under look good feel better, which a lot of nurses, oncologists dont make a big thing that its an option.

    good luck xx

  • Hi Mucca. Daughter didn't want a picc line but they had such trouble finding a good vein at her first chemo that she decided to have one - and was very glad she did. She said that having it put in was far less troublesome/painful than the repeated attempts to find a vein. She quickly learned to manage showering, etc with it and chemos were much easier with it. 

    It was taken out before surgery (they always are) and a further year of chemo was decided on afterwards. She went for a port this time as she's hoping to gradually get back to sport and swimming.

    Good luck, whatever you decide. You'll be fine if you do decide on a picc line. xxx

  • Hi

    I'm currently in EC X3 then Paclataxel X3. My last EC is this Thursday coming.

    I chose a PICC line as I have a huge fear of needles and a bit of a fainter. I didn't want 6 cannulas for bloods and 6 cannulas for treatment. I don't think my veins would last.

    I'll be honest and say that the Picc line is unpleasant and I can't wait to have it removed but it is handy during this time. The dressing is changed every week and it's flushed weekly.  my skin is suffering always covered but it's something I endure. Always afraid that I'll either pull it out during sleep or someone will bump into my arm and dislodge. Irrational I think as it's in there pretty tight and covered with tubi grip also. The thing I miss the most is a bath tbh but used to showers now 

    I lost my hair is several places - hair, arm pits and groin region. Arm hairs are turning white gradually. Decided against the cold cap as research suggested it wasn't beneficial to me.

    I wish you all the best on your journey x

  • Hi, Mucca. I had a PICC line inserted for my chemo sessions, and it was a Godsend. The insertion was pain-free and straightforward, and I felt a slight tugging sensation for approx 5 days afterwards.                                                      I have very poor veins and was warned that if I chose cannulation over a PICC, my veins/arm could be permanently scarred if chemo fluid leaked into the tissues. I bought a shower-proof cover and  was able to have a bath as long as I didn't submerge my arm for long periods.                                                            I understand you feel anxious re this procedure, but I am so glad I opted to have it as it meant the staff had immediate access when I needed emergency blood transfusions. Whatever you decide, good luck I wish you a speedy, trouble-free recovery.

  • My jaw dropped when I read that your oncologist suggested moving to a different hospital. I'm sure your confidence in him/her has been shaken.                        Does that mean if you have reservations re any part of your treatment plan, you'll be dismissed out of hand?? That is shocking!

  • Hi

    Can I ask where you got your water proof cover from? I brought 1 from Amazon but it doesn't fit my arm. A bath is definitely what I miss most!!

    I am glad I opted for a PICC line. Especially after the bomb shell my Nurse LED dropped yesterday. 9 weeks of blood tests and 9 weeks of Paclataxel. I just find it uncomfortable at times and irrational fears!!

    Take care 

  • Hi Mucca, When I was offered a PICC line I declined it, as I did want a weekly visit to the hospital to have it flushed. I asked for a port to be fitted instead and they agreed. I didn't get an appintment to heave this done straight away, so first two chemo cycles were administered via cannula. This did cause a few issues with my vein and caused aching in my arm for several weeks. It was so much much better once my port was fitted. I still have my port at the moment even though my chemo finished in July. All my blood tests are still done through my port. Also I've started zoledronic acid infusions every 6 months, for the next 3 tears. These are also given through the port at the moment. Not sure yet when they'll remove it, but I'm happy with the decision I made. I went on holiday in September and was able to swim with the port, which was an added bonus. I hope you come to the right decision for you. Xx