Post treatment checks

  • 17 replies
  • 270 subscribers

Hello everyone  -  I’m about to have a follow up with an advanced nurse practitioner.

2.5 years since diagnosis and one year since radiotherapy finished. Had mammogram on remaining breast 8 months ago

 Anyone had one of these checks and do you know what they involve?



  • Hi  

    I had a follow up with my breast surgeon 10 months after my radiotherapy finished. It was originally 6 months later but had to be rearranged.

    She basically asked me how I was, whether I had any problems, if I was happy with how the surgery had left me, etc. She then examined me and said that as everything was okay and I was happy with everything she wouldn't need to see me again.

    She reminded me that I'd be having yearly mammograms for 5 years and that if I was concerned with anything to do with my breast during this time to contact my BCNS.

    I would imagine your appointment would be something similar


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  • Latchbrook,

    Thanks for your reply. I think you are always wary but hopefully mine will be similar to yours.


  • Hello, Not sure if your follow up is with oncology department or breast care unit.  My diagnosis was June last year, 3 ops then Radiotherapy that finished last January.  I had a follow up mammogram that seemed clear (I feel the letter is guarded, just in case). I then had a follow up with the breast surgeon last October who examined me, asked how I was, said she is please all seems well and she will see me in a years time.  A month later I had a follow up with Oncologist which was by telephone, asked how I was, is there anything we can do for you.  Told her I’m fine thanks and she made another appointment for me in a years time.  I think we all have different follow ups depending if there is ongoing treatment and in my case I am on Abemaciclib for 2 years and Zoladronix Acid infusions every six months for 3 years.  So maybe mine is tailored to monitoring the adjuvant treatment.  Like most of us I am also on Letrozole but in my case its for 10 years.  

    There is a reason I am sceptical about mammograms in my case.  My Lobular Breast Cancer didn’t show up on a Mammogram, an ultrasound, or an MRI scan.  It was finally confirmed through biopsy and noticed by me in the first place because my breast skin puckered yet it turned out to be 5.8 cms in size..  Best wishes,  M x

  • Correction:  my diagnosis was June 2022 Not last year as stated above.  apologies. 

  • Mibby, 

    Thanks for that. I was diagnosed with IBC in 2021 - had 7 months, mastectomy and radiotherapy.

     I shall let you know what happens.  Thanks for taking the time.


  • Hi  , as another poster has said, follow ups seem to vary according to treatments and also from one area to another. In my case I have had yearly appointments with a breast surgeon, after my annual mammogram, since my original diagnosis which was 5 years ago . I haven’t seen my oncologist since a few months after radiotherapy. I’m on Anastrozole as my cancer was oestrogen positive, but this is prescribed by my GP and there is no follow up at all for this. I requested a mediation review about 18 months ago and had a telephone appointment with the surgery pharmacist. I asked for blood tests as I have read on the drug information stuff for Anastrozole that you should have regular blood checks. It’s all a bit haphazard I feel! 
    My feeling is that any checks are welcome. I’d go with a list of any questions you have, even if just to ask about future follow ups. Love and hugs, HFxx

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • That’s 7 months of chemo.  X

  • Thanks Happy Feet - as you say we are all the same but different 

    Love, best wishes xx

  • Taking a list of questions with you is good advice.  I wish I’d ask how long I have follow ups..If there is anything you feel you should be having that your are not, don’t be afraid to ask for it.  I wish you good luck, take care.  M x

  • Hello all,

    Just had my check up.

    Lovely Advanced Nurse Practitioner gave me a thorough exam - all ok.

    See Onco in 6 months, then should just be annual breast clinic check and mammogram on spare side.

    Thanks for your support 
