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Setting this up a bit early....and I will ask Admin to ‘sticky’ it 

  • Thanks Moomy & Northerner for setting up January!

    Happy New Year all, hope everyone doing as well as can be and any side effects minimal. I’m in my ‘hibernation’ mode while having to take the filgrastim injections. They really do interfere with my sleep. Might insist next time that I have the one injection, instead of the take home 5. I’ve mentioned to the nurses before about just the one, but been brushed off, I’m not very good at being demanding..Always feel a bit low at this point but I know it will pass in a few days and will feel brighter again. In the meantime I’m going to cheer myself up by flicking through a travel brochure and dream of holidays...because why not! 

    Hugs to all xx

  • Sorry couldn't resist RoflJoy

    One step at a time and ...Breathe !
  • Hi 

    Sorry to hear you suffer with the injections. I am lucky enough to have the one long-lasting ‘boost’ injection & have not had any problems with the two I have had. My oncology nurse also told me that since they have used the one dose they have had virtually no patients with infections. 
    I am also dreaming of holidaysSun with face whilst lazing around getting through the first few days post-treatment! 

  • That’s interesting to hear  and it does seem as though I’m hearing of more people who now have just the single shot since I started treatment. I shall definitely enquire again! 


  • Thank you, will be going for oncology apt on Wednesday to discuss chemo. 

    Wishing you all peace and calm in the storm...with a helping of laughter and joy to bring healing Heart️

  • Afternoon all & hope you are all doing ok. I had my 2nd EC on Wednesday/ glad to have another one done & dusted but this one seems to have wiped me out a bit more. The nausea disappeared in less than a day which was great but since yesterday afternoon the tiredness has really knocked me. I think I may have overdone it in the first couples of days- after two weeks of feeling completely normal I think I forgot to expect to feel tired etc for the first few days of the cycle! Must do better for cycle 3!! Hoping that a reasonable sleep tonight may help me to have a bit more energy tomorrow Fingers crossed & hoping to be able to get out for a walk. 
    Lots of hair shedding at the moment too which doesn’t help the mood. Something we all have to deal with, whether cold capping or not, but it isn’t easy at times. I have still retained a reasonable amount but very thin & if it continues at this rate there won’t be much left soon!! But at the end of the day it isn’t the worst thing to happen. 
    Good luck to anyone having treatments this week & hope everyone else stays as well as possible.Blush

  • Hello All

    Happy New Year to you all! Hope your all okay and your side effects are okay!

    After a bit of advice. I have just completed 4 x 2 weekly EC, and had my first 2 weekly Paclitaxol. (Another 3 to go) And I have bone pain. Any advice on what pain relief I can take and how long the pain may last? (Had it for 24hours now) I know it’s different for everyone, but after having an infection all over Christmas, which made me quite poorly, I’m feeling a bit low and the thought of this pain for the next 8 weeks is making me feel rubbish! (Although I trying to be positive and thinking I’m over half way, and not long to go - only another 38 days till I’m done hopefully)

    Thanku all xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to PatsyP2

    Hello .  I’m very encouraged to hear you felt completely normal for 2 weeks of the first EC cycle!  And good the nausea didn’t last long this time. That’s giving me hope for a couple of weeks time when I start.

    Ive been struggling with the last few sessions of weekly Paclitaxel.  Feeling very low. Fed up with not being able to sleep due to constant nose bleeds, tummy not happy and getting worse each treatment so I’m now back on nutrition sachets and mashed potatoes, and now my toenails are disappearing!  I think my body is saying thank you that’s enough Paclitaxel!!  I’ve got one on Tuesday, and then on the 12th and that’s it so not too much longer.  Just counting down the days.

    Off to watch episode 3 of Bridgerton to distract me!

    Hope everyone else is doing ok.
