Birad 5, told me I have cancer

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  • 497 subscribers

I had my appointment at the breast clinic today. I had a very long ultrasound, a mammogram in every direction possible, another ultrasound, a biopsy, a lymph biopsy, a metal thing put on the lump, another mammogram, then went back to talk to the consultant.  She said" I'm sorry, it is cancer. and we're going to do more tests while we waiting for the biopsy". I asked if they can say 100% that it's cancer without the biopsy results and they said of course they can't say 100% it is, but I need to be prepared for it to be cancer, and they rated it as birad 5.

I've now been signed off work as I couldn't face putting on a brave face and my work's quite physical and requires a positive and focused attitude.

Now I'm waiting for an MRI. And she came back during the nurse discussion to say they will want another biopsy of a suspicious area near the lump that is changing?

They actually said that the indent I went to have checked has nothing to do with the lump that they did find, that it's very small and I was very lucky to catch it early and it's very treatable.

 I'm still in disbelief it doesn't quite seem real and I still hope that the biopsy is clear but the way that they spoke to me about treatment and being prepared, to me it seems that they are sure it will be cancer.

Can they really be that sure? 

I felt the mood change during the ultrasound and I was getting a lot of looks and sympathy before I was even told anything but it's still come as a shock I thought that the indent I found would be benign and it is, yet they're found what they're saying is cancer. They said the lymph node was likely nothing as the lump is so small, but it has to be checked of course.

I don't know how to tell my husband, I've been in limbo imagining the wording. Or who or how to tell anyone else, should I wait for the results? She spoke like the results will tell us what type and how to treat ect, so seeming very certain it is cancer.

  • Hello, 

    When I was checked they said to me - ‘I have suspicions it is cancer’. Lo and behold, it was. 
    Even on the ultrasound, I knew it was cos of the way they were.
    I think cos they’re doing this day in, day out, they get to see exactly the difference so they will be pretty sure.

    My lump was measured originally at 3.6cm so quite big and I had something on the other side but that was a cyst luckily. 

    Easier said than done, I know, but there are lots of different ways to treat breast cancer.

    They made an appointment for me to return after the MDT and that’s when I was told what type of cancer it was, what was going to happen next and the type of plan that usually happens. 

    Keep your chin up and sending hugs xx

  • Thank you for replying. Did they give you a birad score? I am trying not to Google and only look at reputable sites like Macmillan. I've seen on Reddit forums that sometimes a five is benign but it's very unlikely.

  • Hi sorry to read your story! Sounds very similar to me 6 weeks ago I got told the same and had all the tests you have mentioned on that first appt! I was floored to be told that day it’s was 99 percent cancer! 
    Then they told me due to the size of it they were worried it had spread elsewhere so more tests were needed asap! 
    Had a ct scan with contrast next had to wait a week for results which flagged up a few areas to keep an eye on and wanted a mri to do a deeper scan on both boobs! 

    Had to wait a while again for mri and results! Then got a call they wanted to do another ultrasound on the other boob as flagged up suspicious. Anyway a week or so later had that done and was all ok thank god! 

    Her2 test took 4 weeks to come back! Now they are doing oncotype test which takes at least 2 weeks for results! And I’m waiting for the gene test to arrive in the post which takes 6 weeks for results!!

    The waiting is going to drive you round the bend! Try and keep busy with days out etc on days you are not having tests done or results! I find these days help me stay positive so much! 

    They know what they are doing and these tests take time but they are working round the clock to find out the right treatment plan for you. 

    Im trying enjoy the thought of having at least 4 weeks now till any chance of operation or treatment starting. 

    It’s so hard to get your head around but you will in a few weeks and you will accept the process. 

    sending you hugs for these weeks waiting around for results try to keep yourself occupied if you can it does help your mind wondering. 

    this site has helped me a lot as seeing a lot of others in in similar mind frames and realising im not alone in this horrific journey. 


  • Hello, 

    I didn’t get a score like that but mine was M4 which is the mammogram results. I found this off breast cancer now. 

    Mammogram results may be described as:

    • M1: normal breast tissue 
    • M2: benign (not cancer) 
    • M3: uncertain but probably benign 
    • M4: suspicious and possibly cancer 
    • M5: cancer

    Yes do not google or if you do look at those sites like Macmillan etc. 

    The waiting will probably drive you insane but keep yourself busy. 
    You could always call the breast clinic and ask them what it means - then you get it from them xx

  • Thank you. It seemed pretty clear from what they said it's cancer, I'm just in denial till the biopsy I guess! 

    I don't want to terrify my husband or kids but I don't want to down play it when the consultants words were literally "it is cancer" untill I asked how they can be 100% sure before the biopsy. The nurse afterwards said I need to be prepared for the cancer diagnosis and briefly went over the next steps after the results say which cancer ect. They didn't appear to have any doubt but even so I don't know how to say " I have breast cancer" when there's that tiny chance it will be benign...

    I hate making a fuss that will distress those around me if there's a chance they're wrong, but I have been on the edge of an anxiety attack all day Disappointed

  • Yes I completely understand. They were pretty sure with mine before the biopsy results came back. 

    It is entirely your choice what to do and you know those around you better than anyone. 
    I understand you don’t want to worry them but at the same time, you may need support? 

    Maybe make a pros and cons list and see which outweighs? 

    I ‘tried’ - emphasis on tried here - to get my head round it all, with support from others, and until this day (I have nearly finished chemo), I still feel in denial and it feels surreal. 

    This situation has made me selfish but for the right reasons that everyone around me understands. I don’t like making a fuss but I choose to tell people. Not for sympathy but for support. My head went west right from the beginning and I needed to be grounded which I found this via others. 

    Good luck with everything and fingers crossed you get the results soon xx

  • Did you tell anyone "they found cancer" before the biopsy came back? My husband was very comforting last night, I don't think it's hit him yet, he said he needed to be calm and positive as he knows how my mind spirals but I said he needs to feel what he feels too. It might help it sink in with me too.

    He said I should tell my parents asap, but everyone else I can decide when, I'd, how much to tell 

  • Hi 

    I’m so sorry for the stress and anxiety you’re going through. I remember it all so well as I was told the same thing after a mammogram and a biopsy.

    When I went home I told my husband straight away that they suspected cancer as i needed his support and I was so glad I’d told him. I chose not to tell my children or family until I knew for sure but I had to tell my boss at work as I work in a primary school and was uncomfortable after the biopsies and it helped having her support. 

    Even after my results and I told people they were shocked that the people at the breast clinic had said to me they suspected cancer without having the results but I’m sure they see so many tumours everyday. 

    Please try and tell your husband so he can support you my poor husband got the news when I literally fell through the front door a blubbering crying incoherent mess but I needed to tell someone straight away so I could make some sense of it and not feel so alone.

    The waiting is the hardest part thankfully I had all my results within 2 weeks and started treatment within a month of having it diagnosed.

    Sending you big hugs xx

  • I repeated what they said - ‘suspicions it was cancer’.
    There is no confirmed diagnosis yet as biopsy is not back. 

    My partner was and has been with me throughout it all. So I didn’t need to tell him cos he heard it from them. This comforted me (in a weird way!) that I wasn’t ’hearing’ things. 

    I was in shock mainly. I think that’s why it just came out. Being 35 and diagnosed with breast cancer was not what anyone expected. Spec with no major family history. 

    Like abunetball, I also told my employer because I was so emotional and the waiting wasn’t great - I have been signed off since the day I found my lump.

    You do what you think is right - you will work it out and it’ll all come too. 

    I got my results on 24/5 and started chemo on  17/6 so things moved quite quickly as soon as the results were in. I had appointments in between for other things too xx

  • I've received a message saying they'll see me on the 27/11, idk why but looking on the calendar that seems fast, I was told I need another biopsy and an MRI next week. I think it's going to fly by n I have a date. Hopefully. Only managed 4hours sleep last night, although I have napped a bit this morning. Running on like 6hrs Sweat smile