Hey new to cancer new to chemo

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so I have just had my first chemo just over a week ago 

and it’s been a hard emotional rollercoaster of side effects , emotions and realisation.

i guess the biggest shock was I felt fine before I had chemo ,working and socialising/doing things 

but now I feel unwell  and unable to work

does anyone else remember feeling like this after their first chemo ? 
many tips would be much appreciated Blush


  • Yes this is what it is all about trying to get back to the normal you! I cried to both my boys yesterday and they both told me " mum you were expecting this, at least you tried the cold cap", my boys are 19 yrs and 21 yrs


  • Hi I am starting my first chemo on Monday to say I'm nervous is an understatement  if anyone has some tips  to get through the first one I would be grateful x

  • Drink a lot of water, get outside for fresh air as much as you can and remember, if you hit an emotional low after a few days, (which you may not) it’s the steroids wearing off and it will pass. The first one is hard as you don’t know when you’ll feel normal again …but it is all temporary and you will be fine. X

  • Try to eat something before your treatment, and trust your nurses they will look after you so well. I've just had my first one on Thursday and I genuinely feel almost back to normal today. I hope it passes as well for you too. I drank loads of water, took the anti sickness meds every day for 4 days even if I wasn't sure I needed them, and went for walks every day like  suggested too. Rest up when you need to and be kind to yourself xx Just keep counting down to the finish line xx

  • Hi Bramble

    Bring something with you to keep yourself occupied while having treatment like a book or a magazine.

    Best of luck with your chemo on Monday.

    Best wishes


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  • Hi Bramble, just remember it is not going to be as bad as you think. FEAR Fantasy Envisaged As Real!

    Whatever is going on in your head is not real. Its much better than you think, after my first I was relieved!

    Its ok , I just took it easy the first day, but tried to walk the next day x

  • Hi Tor05,

    First of all, know that you are not alone.  Your feelings are completely normal! I started chemo back in February (AC cycle) and experienced all sorts of emotions, ranging from grief to sadness to anger to utter shock. I broke down on my first treatment and was inconsolable. The diagnosis and the beginning of your treatment will be the hardest. The most important advice I can offer is that you listen to your body. Like Jacala says in her comment, sleep when you need to, eat when you are hungry and just take it one day at a time. It is so easy to just overwhelm yourself with thoughts of how our lives were before cancer but try and focus only on your body right now and getting back to your full health. I am 5 months into my treatment and slowly but surely the tears have subsided as the months have gone on. Try meditation, talking to a counsellor and try and accept the changes your body will experience in this hard journey.  Remember they are just going to be temporary. Best wishes on your journey and lots of love!! 

  • Hi Bramble, 

    I hope your first session went as well as possible.  It is extremely important that you drink 2-3 litres of water a day to flush out your system. I cannot tell you how beneficial this is in order to curve the side effects. Rest a lot and just listen to your body and do take all of the medication they give you, even if you feel like you do not need them.  Best wishes on your journey and know you are not alone! Lots of love. 

  • Hi yes I can relate to what Jacala is saying.  Had my first chemo on 17th May.  Had all the feeling described.  I'm feeling a bit better after day 6 but nothing like normal.  My next worry is losing my hair.  Not sure if to have it cut as it's medium length or just shave it.   Hope you have a few days were you are feeling ok.