Hey new to cancer new to chemo

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so I have just had my first chemo just over a week ago 

and it’s been a hard emotional rollercoaster of side effects , emotions and realisation.

i guess the biggest shock was I felt fine before I had chemo ,working and socialising/doing things 

but now I feel unwell  and unable to work

does anyone else remember feeling like this after their first chemo ? 
many tips would be much appreciated Blush


  • Yes OMG I was so hungry at the beginning so terrified of putting on lots of weight! But it does calm down. Promise xx

  • I am planning on shaving mine soon. Take back control x

  • Hi, I was given the contact details of a lady that has a link with the hospital. She told me to look on  https://www.wigsuk.com/  Some hospitals have a contract with them. I sent her 4 wigs that I would like to try, and they get sent to you at home. You could keep one, and either return others to the hospital, or send them directly back. Part of the contract is that it doesn’t matter what the wig costs, the hospital will only invoice you £75. I hope this helps x

  • Don’t get too excited, was very tearful  today as I pulled away clumps of hair!!! So much for the cold cap! Could not get an appointment with the hairdressers so my husband came home and shaved my head!  I feel  so much better as I know this can’t happen again! Was tearful but now I know I don’t have to wait for another cycle to watch it fall out! I had to cancel my PT today as I was all over the place as my hair was falling out! 
    Now I have my stupid wig on at least I know where I am!!! Don’t get me wrong I’m not happy as I look awful with no hair bit at least I know where I stand!!! 
    Tomorrow is another day and I have got over the 2nd worst day in my life!

    No 1 diagnosis I HAVE CANCER!!


    What else is left??? I’m done with that! 
    it’s fine I don’t care!!! I’m done!

  • Forgot to say my wig is ready!!

  • Just going through my first cycle of EC and am finding it helpful to keep a diary of how I feel day by day, to allow me to plan cycle to cycle. It will pass, for all of us! 

  • Yes I found write g ad diary helpful. But after day 18/19 got a bit fed up!

    It certainly helps though ! x

  • Good idea! At least you know where you stand.Even though I feel a little sad today it is better than yesterday, finding clumps  of hair in my hand. Tomorrow is my 2nd cycle and that's half way through the EC.

    It will all pass before we know it! Even without the cold cap I believe your hair starts growing back with the Paclitaxol.


  • Well done you, now you have control! , this terrible journey is so bad anyway as if you need another mindfuck to add to the trauma! At least you can now move forward, I went to  really good place in Manchester for some wigs that were about £75 each when I did some panic buying, but i bought 2 and they were brilliant . 

    I also got an expensive one off a hairdresser in Manchester. I am all good for wigs, I really don't want to wear a headscarf!, just don't !

    Sounds like you are sorted with this lady, you will feel so much better when you have your wig!

    Good luck and lots of love xx

  • Thank you Tazeen.  I'm hoping so I need some of me back even just to recognise myself in the mirror would be good. 

    Glad you have some good ones x I will let you know how I get on.  I'm letting my two boys help me as it's a big thing for them as well.