Hey new to cancer new to chemo

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so I have just had my first chemo just over a week ago 

and it’s been a hard emotional rollercoaster of side effects , emotions and realisation.

i guess the biggest shock was I felt fine before I had chemo ,working and socialising/doing things 

but now I feel unwell  and unable to work

does anyone else remember feeling like this after their first chemo ? 
many tips would be much appreciated Blush


  • Hi thank you for all your kind message s  this morning I had a meltdown. But it wasn't anywhere near as scary as I expected the nurse stayed with me the whole time she was lovely  I'm tired now so will have a nap in a bit got  enough pills to start a chemist not sure how I will get on with injections but time will tell  so one down  5 to go. X

  • Hi

    I had medium length hair I had it cut short yo a cropped Bob the day before my first chemo.

    I then had 2nd chemo 2 weeks later and the next day it literally started to fall out.  I hated that it was going every where. Two days later I shaved it to #2 within the next week all that had nearly fallen out.

    Short spikes falling out was easier to cope with.  Now I am nearly bald and 3 days away from 3rd chemo.   I actually prefer the bald than the spikey.

    I tried on some wigs but didn't like them so at the moment wearing scarfs.  I find it hard still though going out and about as I think everyone knows but that'd my own issues really.

    You should start to feel a bit better after 5 days or so, so try to get out.  I try to go somewhere with an out door area meet a friends have a coffee, cake feel normal for a bit x 

    I hate having the injections but I have found I'm fine until they finish then the next day I get weird pains in chest and back but that goes really quickly.  I enjoy my 4 days of no tablets and no injections xx

  • HI thankyou that was very helpful  started first chemo on Monday took your advice on water ect.  Hasn't been bad at all couple of days body buzzing but otherwise managed well started jabs yesterday Joys a bit scary not good with needles Joy  I do have a question can anyone recommend hand cream and moisturizer and best sun cream do they have to be perfume free as at the moment I can't find information on simple questions. Iv not left the house as yet as concerned about catching anything so garden it is  or am I being paranoid  brains working overtime today x

  • Aveeno Do one without chemicals and nasties. Their apple vinegar shampoo and conditioner is also good if you’re cold-capping xx

  • My chemo nurse and breast nurse recommended aveeno for my scalp.

    But they also said any moisturiser doesnt have to be perfume free.

    I use kids factor 50 sensitive skin from Boots suncream and using up nivea normal skin body moisturiser.  

    Hand cream I've been using a rehydration no7.

  • So pleased it went well for you I'm using Aveeno for my hands and Johnsons baby shampoo which I'm not enjoying the smell of. Still not shed any hair yet and it's Day 15 - keep expecting to wake up with all of it on my pillow. 

  • Eczema creams are great or anything unscented. To keep hands moist pick something a bit more greasy like Vaseline intensive care. Rub your nail bases a little to keep them from splitting.

    re sunscreen - boots do an unscented soltan stick. Or you could try tropic products but they do have a scent. Just choose something for sensitive skin as less likely to contain irritants. 


  • Hi Bramble, I am so bored of this chemo now! I have been trying to pretend it isn’t that bad! But I have now started with heartburn! I am about 1.5 wks away from my third EC and can’t wait till this part is over! I am meant to be having 4 x EC. I know it is meant to get worse with each one? Making myself go for a walk shortly but really wishing my life away!!! 

  • Just read this I can so relate.  Just had third ec on  Thursday and it was horrendous on the day. Next day I was ok but recovering.

    I keep breaking it down in my head after 4th I will be third way through.

    Just hope I get days where i will be OK on weekly chemo.

    On the morning of my third chemo I literally didn't want to get out of the car as I couldnt face the roller coaster back to being OK before your hit with it again.

    What keeps me going is hope its all working and I will look back saying I done it xx

    We can do this xx

  • Hi Harrigoose.  Thank you for sharing this.  I have felt exactly the same after my first chemo.  Mine are 3 weeks apart so am feeling normal this week and start second treatment next week.  Can I ask when you started seeing a change in your hair and what happened and when it started to fall out.   I'm really dreading this and am not sure if to let it just fall out or have it cut short.  Thank you