EC x 3 now going onto 12 weekly of Pacilitaxel with Carboplatin 3 weekly

  • 36 replies
  • 457 subscribers

Hi Everyone

I hope you are all doing well.

I have just completed my 3 x 3weekly EC and feel I have coped well most of the time.

Chemo on Friday, rough days Sat and Sun, mainly back to normal on the Monday.

Rough days I felt nauseous even with the meds, no energy, lack of concentration, lack of appetite and just wanted my bed.

I am now thinking how am I going to cope with weekly sessions.  Anyone else currently on the same chemo regime?

I have had the cold cap for the last 3 treatments, but am nearly at the point of losing 70% of my hair, so think I will go for the shaved look!! I never realised how cold my head would be without hair.  As I type this, I am sat indoors with a hat on!!

Positive thoughts to everyone


  • Hi All,

    not sure where everyone is with paclitaxol cycles. I am really Struggling today had my first one on Wednesday and today I have really bad pains in my tummy & down my legs. In fact my whole body has weird shooting pains.

    Has anyone else suffered with this and is it normal? I am hoping this will not be the case every week for the next 12 weeks Disappointed

  • Hi there!

    How dou you feel after the taxol+ Carboplatin? I'll have the same on June 2nd for 12 wks.

    Thanks. Slight smile

  • Hi,

    I am only having paclitaxol for 12 weeks and had first one last Weds. I have really struggled with it lots of shooting pains & muscle aches  and feeling really low in myself.I think most people say it is easier than the EC but for me not the case. Think this is why I feel fed up as I was hoping it would be easier. Today I feel a little better so have 2 days respite before starting again.

    have 2nd round on Weds this week and will be discussing with my chemo team how it made me felt. I am hoping they can tweak it a bit to make it more manageable.

    Good luck with your treatment x 

  • Hi Dream A, I had aches and pains on my first paclitaxel but hardly at all on subsequent ones. I don't think the aches and pains are necessarily going to happen again but hope the chemo team can advise you as to what is best for you  xx

  • Hi Zephyr,

    that’s good to know thanks, I am really hoping it’s the same for me and the next one will be much better Fingers crossed

    you have cheered me up a little Smiley

  • Hi, I had my first Taxol/carb 3 weeks ago, and had no side effects. I then had to miss the next weeks taxol due to catching covid. I had my week 2 taxol last Friday, again no side effects. Today I feel that my neck on the opposite side to BC is tender to touch and swollen. I have seen that someone else mentioned this as a side effect. Let’s see what this weeks session brings. Currently no other pains. 
