Stage 2 invasive DCIS E+ and HER2+

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  1. Quick back story, Was diagnosed in sept 21  (after being misdiagnosed since April 21) mastectomy and SNB (1/3 positive) Nov 21 26mm invasive with a total of 92mm (non ivasive and invasive) was due to start chemo in the Jan 22 but my youngest DD got covid and then so did I, so chemo was deferred until Feb 22. Started chemotherapy last week, having 5FEC-T and then on the 4th cycle I will start Herceptin.
  2. Just really wanted some positive vibes tbh as although yes I know my cancer has a positive outcome at the end of all the treatments (consultant said 98% survival rate for the next 10 years), it is a very scary place to be especially when I have children at home and my partner lives elsewhere, it's harder that I am not allowed to bring anybody with me while I have the chemotherapy due to covid restrictions etc. Anyway, I hope everyone is doing ok. Thank you for reading x
  • Please report back if it help etc when you're able to of course. I hope everything goes well for you on Tuesday x

  • Thanks girls for your advice it's good to know especially taking ice cubes.

    Your posts are helping me. Good luck with further treatment.

    Take care and keep strong xxx

  • Thank you. I shall, after my last treatment my mouth went funny on the Saturday, so around 4 days later… will see what happens this time! 

  • No worries. I’ll report back on whether it helps or not. It’ll pass the time a bit anyway I’m sure! Hope you’re doing ok, I have been up and down since this whole thing began and I am just trying to think about the end when this will all be over and I can get on with life properly. You’ll get there too x

  • Yes, i lost my taste around day 4 my throat/top palate/tongue started getting sore, doc prescribed thrush meds though he said there's no infection, this is just incase as I'm more prone to oral thrush now, day 5 seemed to be the worst day for me but I was trying to carry on as normal and plow through the tiredness etc but I have to learn to listen to my body and rest, just let my partner take over looking after the toddler especially. Then day 9 my teeth started getting really sore. I'm only day 10 so another 12 days i think to completly recover before my next cycle. It is a whirlwind of emotions, one day I'm ok, the next I'm crying, but they're few and far between, I think I did most of my crying at the beginning, I'm now telling myself to think positive, you've got this, take each day as it comes, you will be ok. Good days and bad days are expected. x

  • Oh yep it is a total rollercoaster! I usually have at least one teary moment each day but I do feel stronger and I know I will get through it. You will too. But I’ve been told it’s normal to still be scared etc. It’s just a really shit situation to be in. My taste went funny a few days after, some things were fine, other things just tasted a bit odd and some things didn’t taste of anything. But I found that by the end of the following week it had calmed down and things tasted more normal again. 
    I was prescribed the oral mouth stuff too, as I was in pain with the ulcers and I had a white tongue etc, but by the time I got the prescription it was already clearing up. I think it lasted only 3 or 4 days really so stick with it and keep strong, it will get better.

    i found one day I woke up and suddenly felt more “normal” if that makes sense. I went out for a little walk, met a friend for a walk, pottered round the house but still slept loads. You just have to take your time. I think when I had the first one I had illusions of feeling poorly for a couple of days and then I’d get up and everything would be ok, but actually it took a bit longer. But that’s fine. It’s just something that we have to get done. And we will. We all will. We’ll get through it. Hopefully before I complete all of Netflix!!! Xx

  • Hi. Been up and down too the last few days but today was mostly good. Few tears tonight. Just want to get treatment started and like you get to end of it and back to normal.

    Take care and stay strong. We will get there xxx

  • Hi tizzy10 I am her2 positive as well. I had fec x 3 cycles. What is your T treatment. Mine was docetaxol but I had a reaction and was changed to paclitaxel. I finished chemo last week. It is doable. My area was 20mm with a large area of dcis. I had a theraputic mammoplasty with reduction on other breast. They got clear margins on my lump but not on my dcis. They advised chemo first then I will be having a masectomy with immediate reconstruction. So they are planning that for me now. I am still having my herceptin injections. Will you be having radiotherapy. Mine was grade 2 and lymph nodes was clear. Best wishes xx

  • Hi Tizzy10,

    Just thought I'd see how you're doing ?

    So far I've been ok apart from my hair falling out & shaving it. Very distressing for all of us I'm sure ! Don't suit a hat so got some bandanas.  

    Chemo no 2 this week.  3rd of the way there.. 

  • Hi Shaz52,

    My treatment is similar to yours.. FEC for 3 cycles then Docetaxol for 3. 

    2nd Cycle tomorrow.. 

    After 6 cycles I'll be having a my lump (Grade 2 ) & lymph node removed. Nervous about it all but got to get on with it.. 

    Bet you're glad to be finished with the Chemo ?

     All the best.