Being diagnosed with a brain tumour.

  • 5 replies
  • 54 subscribers

Hi, im 21 years of age and have recently been diagnosed with a brain tumour on my brain stem. Im having an operation soon and am so scared. I don't really understand what is happening, I was just wondering how long it would take me to be better after the operation and what will happen after the operation? 

  • Hi Rebs, just spotted your post. You must b one of the youngest people to join this site. What a dubious honour.  One of the community champions will b in touch with you shortly. They're folk who can guide u round the site n generally are v helpful and friendly.

    .In the meantime, u mght want to ring the Helpline 0808 808 0000 n have a chat to ppl there.

    Hugs xx

    Fear of the unknown is the worst thing. Once we know what we're facing, we find the strength to deal with it.
  • Hi , welcome to the on line community, I’m sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I think no matter what age we are we find these things are a bit scary. I’m one of the champs but have a different cancer to you so I can’t answer your question but wanted to wish you luck for your op. I hope either someone from this group answers with their own experience or you phone the helpful support line as already suggested. Another suggestion I would like to make for a group for you is

    As they will understand as well what you are going through (I’m an oldy but goody as the saying goes ! )

    best wishes

    Take care KT

  • Hi ,

    Just popped over from another group. Good for you for coming here. Completely understand you being scared, everyone is so different in recovery but you have your youth on your side. I don't know what will happen after the op; be determined to get better, I'm sure from what I've seen others go through that it does make a difference, but..... be kind to yourself and allow yourself to take it easy.

    Love and hugs,

    If you find dust in my house, write your name in it. When the signatures overlap I'll get the polish. 

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  • FormerMember

    Hi Rebs,

    Welcome to the group. I am new myself and am having my biopsy in 2 days so I kinda can relate. It is scary, but as with most of us...we are along for the ride whether we like it or not so have to make the best of it.

    My tumor is inoperable so I get how scary it can seem, I hate the uncertainty of it all. The folks in this forum are nice people who are all in the same boat and, as a new member myself, it is helpful to know we are not alone.

    My advice....just take one day at a time, if you fret about possible futures and outcomes it is just a rabbit hole you don't want to go down.

    Stay got this Slight smile

  • FormerMember

    Hi Rebs,

    I'm sorry to hear that you are going to have to go through this. I have also been diagnosed with a Brain tumour in the last few weeks and im going in for a biopsy next week to find out in their words, 'What we are dealing with' . I  think whatever your age it is hard to deal with, it's very scary and it's very hard to navigate your way through all the appointments and know what questions to ask. After each appointment I thought I had a good list of questions to ask and still came out with more. I think the most important thing is that you have a good support network round you -that has kept me going over the last month or so. I'm also lucky because I have a good friend who has been through all of this with her sister and has given me lots of tips on what to ask, where to find out additional info and support but even so it is still pretty overwhelming. Have you got a specialist nurse to speak to and ask her all of these questions-that may help you. When I told my consultant I was very anxious he said just break everything down into small steps, so if you can just look towards the operation and not worry about after it, once you've done that then look towards recovery-I hope this helps you slightly. Good luck xx