Howdy all.
So after i was diagnosed with bladder cancer obviously there was the initial holy sugar..tears etc and the surgeon mentions the fact that i might die. But then i started to think about things I'd like to cram in before the curtains close. Some ideas on my bucket list are quite easy to accomplish and some a little more difficult.
Anyone else got a bucket list?
Hi Blue. I never thought of a bucket list. I never dreamed I would get cancer. I had dreams of what I would do when I retired, but things never panned out the way I was hoping for. I took early retirement after my treatment finished. I am content in my retirement and the kids keep me going with DIY projects, but I do regret not doing things I wanted to. If you have plans, then I say go for it. You only regret the things you didn't do. Best wishes.
Hi Bluepanther,I haven’t got a bucket list but I’d love to get to a big gig with my partner John.We both love music but haven’t had much luck getting out to see anything live in recent years.It’s difficult as John is disabled with a rare muscle disease and we are both in poor health.We are looking forward to getting out more in the future though.Best wishes Jane
Hi Bluepanther, I don't have a specific bucket list but when I got my T1 Grade 2 cancer diagnosis, I did decide to worry less about the small stuff and try to find joy in every day. Almost five years on, and thanks to our NHS, I am still enjoying and enriching my life. So you may find you still have plenty of time to fit in your dreams. Go for it! Hx
Mmm..i do like your bucket..ed list idea. I guess my number 1 would be saving a guys life years ago. One thing i would like to do is a parachute jump plus i have many other ideas. Cheers
Right on. I've heard the old expression of only regretting what you didn't do...but i wish i hadn't
Hi. Sounds like a tough situation. I got motivation from david videos..when I'm on the bike and there's a fork in the road. One way is up the hill..the other is on the flat. I usually try to take the hill. But I'll admit i sometimes take the flat.
Try to improve one step at a time.
Hi Bluepanther,
Great idea to do a bucket list if that's what you want.
I haven't done a bucket list as such but I have had a kick up the preverbial posterior in terms of getting on and doing things I promise to do every year yet still haven't done. I've always thought in quite relaxed fashion perhaps next year then. Now with having cancer it has sharpened my focus in as much as I realise that my time is actually finite.
I enjoy my motorcycles even more. Same with my guitars. I enjoy long walks/rambles with my wife (and the puppy we have) having long and varied conversations with my wife as we go. These are things I had in my life already and the pleasure of them has intensified but in a nice way.
I would like to go on a long trek on my touring motorcycle but my wife won't get on But it doesn't matter if I don't do it.
I want to stop working. I really resent how much of my life has already been taken up with it.
So, in short, I've looked around at what my life is now and realised how lucky I am.
Not much help bucket list wise I know. But I'll be interested to see your list grow and be fulfilled.
Good luck....Del.
Hi del. Getting a dog is on my list but its never the right time as we travel abroad a bit. I'd love your idea of touring on a bike..the new triumph Himalayan looks cool..not too fast and not too expensive but a bit of a workhorse.
Id also love to do a solo wild camp..we shall see.
My thoughts on you wanting to stop working. I always thought that living in a cheap country while renting your house out is the solution..but it does depend on health issues.
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