How are we all doing ?

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Hi All. How is everyone doing? Anyone stuck indoors? Remember, this is a support group, and things don't always need to be medical. There is usually someone here if you just want a chat, a moan, or any stories. My wife has been stocking up on paint, so guess what I will be doing in the near future. Best wishes.

  • Hi,I’m feeling very lonely.My partner is stuck at home with his mother as they are both in the high risk group.I saw mum briefly but I believe they were about to close the care home to visitors.We have a suspected case of corona in town.John & I were looking forward to spending time together before mum came back home but obviously that won’t be happening now.At least I have the garden and plenty of things to get on with indoors.Love to you all.Jane xx

  • Hi Jane. Not nice you are not able to spend time with loved ones. Hopefully, the weather may be picking up so you can look after your garden. Good job we have the technology to keep in touch with each other. The daffs are out, so spring is in the air. I went out for a couple of pints tonight as things are relatively calm where we live. We have a number of local pubs and I poked my head in a few. Some of them were quite busy, but I found an empty one and sat in the corner for an hour or so, but don't think this will last though. Schools are closing this week. Advice is not to let kids stay with grandparents, but we are the only ones to look after our granddaughter when our daughter has to go to work. Best wishes.

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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  • Thanks Rily. Smile of the day yesterday. Activity beyond the kitchen widow caught my eye. Mesmerising 5 mins of " chaffinch TV as two balanced on a single slender dead ragwort stem feeding busily on seeds. Power to leaving part of the lawn uncut to grow what it would.

    Smile of the day today, sadly a neighbour had succumbed to leukaemia a couple of years ago and the widow sold up. But although the new owner filled in the frogs' pond, not realising why it was neglected looking, frogs are busy this week  breeding in a shallow tray of rainwater I'd left instead. And a lovely freecycler has given me lots of pondweed for them to oxygenate it and tonight they appear to be loving-in/it.Heart eyes

    Oh and the nearly 4 year old grandson on the phone bellowing "Boom-bang-a drum" over and over at Nannan as he belted a tin with a spatula. A lot of audio to make up for not seeing him.


  • Hi rily,Glad to hear you were able to get out for a quiet drink.I take it your wife has forgiven you for the dark paint saga ? Love Jane xx

  • Denby. We live in a built up area with unfortunately no gardens. We do, however live near a nice beach with views of the Lake District. The only nature we get are huge seagulls pooing on my car and ripping bin bags up.

    Jane. The dark paint has been forgiven as we now have a nice fresh bedroom. The downside is that she has bought a duvet which is as thick as a mattress and we wake up in the middle of night covered in sweat. Hey Ho. Best wishes.

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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  • Rily, agree the seagull thing isn't too clever. The RSPB used to sell birdfeeders that go on your window with suckers, if you can open a window wide enough to place it and refill as required. Don't know if that's feasible for you. Any good growing eg tomato seedlings in the airing cupboard or any spot, then pass on to those who do have a balcony or garden to grow on? they can 'repay' you in tomatoes or whatever. Freecycle and Freegle are ways to find takers if you don't know any. Also look out for a community garden/ 'abundance' project nearby?


  • Hi Riley and all thanks for putting this up. If I am honest I am quite worried I should have had TURBT op yesterday but it was cancelled I do not know when it will be rescheduled and I worry about the effect the delay might have on my health. I am assuming it will be delayed at least three months given the current position in the NHS with Covid-19 but I guess it could be longer. I am working at home and keeping busy which helps. I am not alone my wife is with me so all is not bad and life could be much worse, Best wishes to all 

  • Good Morning . It is worrying hearing about all the cancellations which will back the system up further. Good to know you are able to work from home. Keep your head down and your chin up. Best wishes.

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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  • Update I spoke to Urology they say I am on the waiting list usually should have op within 6 weeks but staff shortages lack of theatre availability impacting. Clinicians review waiting list daily and prioritise urgent cases so a bit more reassuring but we are in very uncertain times. Best wishes to all

  • Talking of paint rily, I want to paint my front wall and was amazed how much paint has gone up in price. Mind you it was more than 5 years ago I painted it.

    I'm due for cystoscopy next month so bit anxious that will be cancelled, but they say the risks are greater to go to hospital and catch the virus than delaying procedures etc. 

    Best wishes to everyone and keep your distance, already missing a hug LOL.