2nd Maintenance Round of BCG completed!!

  • 17 replies
  • 75 subscribers

Hello to everyone Oldies and Newbies Wave 

I haven't been very active on the forum for a few weeks but I have been reading all the posts. I can see that we have lots of new folk on the forum who are right at the start of their BC journeys. I hope this forum is able to support them as it has supported me. Heart️ 

I have  finished my 2nd Maintenance round of BCG (nos 10, 11 and 12) The side effects have definitely ramped up and been more long lasting and I can see why folk decide to quit the course! I'm very glad that there were only 3 in this round. I'm waiting for dates for my next cystoscopy and annual CT scan now. 

Sending love to you all, Ade xx 


  • Hi Ade,

    Good to hear you've done twelve and yeah I also found the effects take longer too recover from as you go on.

    Although you should have a six Month break from your next instillations now so have more time to recover.

    Wishing you all the best for your cystcopy.


  • Hi Ade, I'm at the same position as you on the bcg journey and I also found instillation no's 10, 11 and 12 had stronger side effects, especially the tiredness.

    Keep reminding yourself that it fighting off the baddies, I find this helps.

    6 months break now, my next round not till July.

    Keep strong

    Anne x

  • Hi Ade, well done , i found the same after number 12. However the 6 month break is a blessing. I dont know if its just me but there are times in the break where , because there is no treatment i have found myself forgetting i have had BC . Its a very odd feeling , just thinking about normal stuff and getting on with life. keep us updated on the cystoscopy & scan. Enjoy the break from bcg .

    Much love Angela x

  • Hi Ade,Good to hear you have got through round 2.I hope the break will help you to recover from the side effects.Love Jane x

  • Thank you Trevor. I'm really hoping that this next cystoscopy is clear as I've had to have biopsies taken after the previous 2.

    Love Ade xx

  • Hi Anne, the 6 month break will be very welcome. I feel exhausted after the last 12 months. 

    We have a lot of living to do til July and I'm determined that 2025 is going to be a good year. Let's enjoy it. Wink 

    Love Ade xx

  • Hi Angela, the last 12 months have been filled with hospital appointments so as long as the cystoscopy is clear I will look forward to a nice long break and try not to think about BC. As soon as I have a date for the cystoscopy and CT I'll give an update. 

    Hope you are well.

    Love Ade xx Heart️ 

  • Thanks Jane. I'm looking forward to a break from it all.

    I hope you get some answers to your back pain soon too.

    Love Ade xx

  • Hi Ade,A break will be good for you,hope you can relax a bit..I’ll be glad to get my results.Love Jane xx

  • Hi Ade keeping everything crossed for you.

    Hopefully, you won't need another biopsy this time.. although for some reason I've been having biopsies every three months..Even though my BCGs are 6 Month's. Who knows why or why trusts are so different.

    Think I know every anaesthetist in the area now.

    Take care.
