My post-TURBT blood in urine

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  • 69 subscribers

Underwent my second TURBT on Sept. 11. No pathology report yet.
Four about four or five days post-op, there was a very light amount of blood in urine, so I was pleased.
Approx post-surgery Day 6, I think I lifted a bit too much in terms of plastic grocery bags, as I felt a twinge. Immediately set 'em back into the car and lightened the load per trip into the house, of course.
But, that night, blood in urine was noticeably heavier  ... although all clots were quite small. Urine then improved and went "pink lemonade" color for a couple days, with clots staying on the small side.
Now, on post-surgery Day 10, I just took one pee that was quite red and included one clot that was on the big side. In fact, had a slightly hard time passing that one.
I'm a little worried, but maybe I should lighten up a touch, considering it's only 10 days past the surgery date. And I did have to go back on my blood thinners (heart doc wasn't going to let me put those on hold for more than 5 days post-surgery.)
I also wonder if sitting too much at work plays a role.
In general, I actually feel good, any pain just above the plumbing has been very minor.
This being Friday evening here, I guess I'll just go to the emergency department if the clots make passing urine difficult this weekend. Otherwise, if the blood stays quite red, I'll call my urologist on Monday.
Any thoughts? Am I over-worrying this?

  • Hi MarkinUS,You may just have overdone it a bit.
    Years before cancer I had a bladder haemorrhage exactly a month after a TURBT.I had been moving heavy books before it happened.After that frightening experience I always avoided lifting anything heavy for a few weeks post TURBT.Some bleeding is to be expected but you are right to get help if it gets difficult to pass urine.Keep up your fluids to flush the bladder out.I hope the bleeding and clots settle.Best wishes Jane 

  • Thanks very much for your prompt and thoughtful replay.
    I was thinking much the same. It's funny., you get feeling well and you forget a little thing like too many grocery bags can set you back a bit.
    Also, I probably haven't drunk the amount of water I should have in the past couple days since returning to work.
    I will certainly keep an eye on this weekend's situation and try to hydrate better and go a little easier.
    Thanks again.

  • Jane,
    If I may ask, how did your bleeding resolve?  Did some time simply take care of it?
    Four or fives days after it started, I"m still running up to cherry red with some decent-sized clots. Everything's passing just fine, and I feel generally quite well.
    In your experience, did hydration and time do the trick?

  • Hi Mark,Sorry to hear you are still bleeding.It was nearly 30 years ago but mine stopped after rest,fluids and antibiotics.They gave me antibiotics at hospital because they said heavy bleeding can lead to infection.I do remember having to stay at the hospital all day for observation.I hope yours settles soon.Jane 

  • Thanks for the info.
    Will see how it goes. Just passed one that nearly had me blocked. Hope I don't have go go through irrigation.

  • It sounds like you need to get some medical help with this.You don’t want to get obstructed by clots.Take care.Jane 

  • Yes, unfortunately, I think a trip to the emergency department is in my near future.

  • So sorry this is ongoing.It’s no fun ending up in the emergency dept but if you go into retention through clots it will be so painful.I hope they can help.Jane x

  • Thanks for you thoughts, .
    Great news: My urologist said come to the office, we'll see if we can spare you an ER visit. 
    And I totally agree ... let's stop this retention thing before it can take hold!
    You guys are the best.

  • That’s good hope you feel more comfortable soon.Jane x