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  • 40 subscribers

Hi everyone 

I know this is off topic and nothing to do with cancer. It's early days post treatment and i don't know if im cured or not but i just cant handle it right now. How the hell do you deal with a neighbour coming round and shouting at you and making threats as they want you to put a new fence in. I've remained calm and spoken calmly to her and tried to smooth the situation. I've had to log everything with the police today just so I have it on record in case they do anything else. Just want to cry. X

  • Oh no.. how awful for you..

    Does the neighbor know you have been poorly? 

    • Are there any other neighbors that could pull this person aside and talk to them about their behavior?  

    I hope the police have been kind to you..

    Sending big hugs 


  • Hi Squeak 

    Thank you for replying, I just had to get it out. The police were lovely. Yes they know they even said I know you are having a shit time but your treated now. I have people who have said they will speak to them for me but I don't really want to involve anyone else unless I have to incase it makes the situation worse. Will just wait and see what happens. Sorry for going on about something that's not really important in the grand scheme of things. Xx

  • Sometimes you just need to talk about things.. I do hope things get sorted for you.. going through all this cancer treatment is hard enough without awful abusive people .

    Big hugs xx


  • Thank you Squeak. Xx

  • Hello Bungle1

    My immediate reaction is that I do hope you do take advantage of someone who is offering to help and can can take the brunt of this person's anger (deserved or not) because that is the last thing you need to be dealing with right now.  Whatever their problem is shouting and making threats isn't acceptable under any circumstances and if it continues please don't hesitate to involve the police again.  I am so sorry this is happening to you just now.

    Irene xx

  • Hi Bungle,

    Just to say that I’m so sorry that you had to endure what sounds like totally unreasonable and abusive behaviour while you’re so fragile.

    How awful for you and can totally understand you being so upset. 
    I hope that others will liaise with them on your behalf as you absolutely don’t need any additional pressure and upset in the early stages of your recovery.

    Sorry this happened to you and big virtual hug to you xx

  • Thank you Irene & PEB24

    I really appreciate your kind messages. I've had a good cry and hoping they just go away. Xx

  • Hi  ,

    Firstly I’m really sorry you’ve had to put up with this total disregard of your situation right now. Even without having gone through what you have this, in my opinion, is totally unacceptable behaviour & says more about your neighbour than it does about you!

    Now what I will say is you’re a better person than me being able to keep your cool in that situation as I’m not so sure I would have had the self control particularly so early after treatment when as you say things are still a bit up in the air & emotions are running high. The silly woman would have got it both barrels then I would have probably shut the door on her & gone & had a good cry! 

    Anyhow, if you’ve people that are willing to deal with this awful woman for you I say let them, you seriously don’t need the stress of dealing with someone where her biggest worry in life is a damn garden fence! it sounds to me like typical bully tactics & like all bully’s she needs someone to stand up to her & I completely understand in your vulnerable state at the moment this can’t be & shouldn’t be you. I hope the police were supportive of you & your current situation. 

    Please feel free to vent on here about anything if you think it helps, we’re a community & our ears are always open. 


  • Thank you Nikki65 for your kind words. Like most people I don't like confrontation at the best of times but normally I can just let it go over my head but not at the moment. I'm quite surprised how much it has affected me couldn't eat or sleep last night and dreaded coming home to my own house today which is ridiculous. Xx

  • Hi again  , I hate the thought of you going through this when you’re already feeling so vulnerable! I detest bully’s & the impact they have on peoples lives! Your home should be your sanctuary especially at a time like this & the thought of you not even wanting to be there breaks my heart. I hope your neighbour went home & considered the way they spoke to you but somehow I doubt it! 
