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  • 13 replies
  • 40 subscribers

Hi everyone 

I know this is off topic and nothing to do with cancer. It's early days post treatment and i don't know if im cured or not but i just cant handle it right now. How the hell do you deal with a neighbour coming round and shouting at you and making threats as they want you to put a new fence in. I've remained calm and spoken calmly to her and tried to smooth the situation. I've had to log everything with the police today just so I have it on record in case they do anything else. Just want to cry. X

  • Thank you Nikki65 the support here and talking to family and friends about it have made me feel a lot better. I also saw a quote last night that said "stop expecting you from other people" which also helped. I've also been to the gym tonight which always gets my head in a better place. Hopefully I will hear nothing else from them. Have a check up appointment tomorrow which is what i should be focusing on. Xx

  • Hi Bungle,

    Glad you got to the gym and feel a little bit better. Just so sorry that you have had to experience such aggressive behaviour and feel vulnerable in your own home which should feel like a sanctuary at the moment.

    This time shortly after the treatment ends is quite an emotional time.

    I found that everything became bigger emotionally and I fell to pieces when my boiler broke down just before Christmas so while it doesn’t compare to being bullied and faced with aggression I absolutely feel for you. A garden fence is just not priority for you just now and hope they have gone away and self combusted.

    Best of luck for your review tomorrow. Xx

  • Thank you so much PEB24. Xx