Anal Cancer Awareness Day! Was anyone aware?

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So today (21st March) was Anal Cancer Awareness Day! Was anyone aware?

  • I'm afraid I wasn't, I think perhaps it is more an American Day due to the demographics of anal cancer in a much larger population.  But as we see here on the forum, it is becoming much more prevalent here, so we should remember the day too.

    Irene x

  • Hello, sadly it appears the powers that be have little interest in it. It wasn't publicised in this country at all - and like most other special "Days" it probably originated in America, but the Anal Cancer Foundation specifies, " is the official day on March 21 to raise awareness of anal cancer around the world". 

    If your/our cancer began as a squamous cell carcinoma (mine was) it might be linked to human papillomavirus (HPV), so greater publicity may persuade people to ensure their sons are vaccinated as well as their daughters. As we all know, prevention is better than cure. 

    I have only recently discovered the above information and made a point of emailing a producer and documentary maker at the BBC about a week before the event, but didn't even get a reply. Yesterday I Tweeted every organisation I could think of and not a single response - even Bowel Cancer UK (our umbrella group) Cancer Research, the NHS etc - but nothing. 

    In January we lost a young woman living locally to me who I had been counselling. She first knew about me from my guest, blog, serialised on this website. She was so happy to have found me and I was convinced I could get her through it. Like me, she had been misdiagnosed in the first instance and had been sent home with a tube of cream for piles. Fortunately for me I was living in a small town in Zambia, where we were all mixed together and I had two doctor friends (a gynaecologist and orthopaedic surgeon) who between them organised a biopsy. The result was stage 2, 18 months later, stage 3 and three years later stage 4. During that period I was also diagnosed with stage 2/3 cervical cancer, so I for one can now see the link to HPV. 

    Let's rally the troops!

    Best wishes.

  • Hi  I was aware but only realised this year as it falls on the same day as World Down Syndrome day which we as a family celebrate. 


  • Hi Leslie, we are all in the same boat it would seem as I only recently discovered it. You might like to read my response to ridetbred. All the best.

  • Hello Irene, we meet again!

    Yes I agree it started as an American thing, but as I said to ridetbred, the Anal Cancer Foundation intended it to be for the whole world. It is celebrated in Europe by Digestive Cancers Europe (DICE)

    And I even found it celebrated by Paras Health in India.

    If so many of our tumours begin as a squamous cell carcinoma, just think how many lives might be saved if ALL our young people were vaccinated – and ultimately cost effective too, with fewer people needing cancer treatments.

    As we all know it takes an awful lot of courage to seek medical help in the first place, with all the stigma and indignities attached.

    When I was first diagnosed all those years ago, I was told there was twice as many men with this form of cancer – but now the roles have reversed.

    I just hope all my activity yesterday may have stirred something up and maybe there will be a response next year.

    Best wishes. xx

  • Hello again Patsy!  I do hope so and I will be make a point of remembering this day next year.  Hope you continue to be well.

    Irene xxx

  • Hi Nikki65, interesting how you discovered it. I see Bowel Cancer UK are promoting Lynch Syndrome Awareness Day today, so I find it rather odd that we slipped through the net yesterday. All the best.

  • Hi again  , strangely enough I’ve just read something today on a Facebook support group about Lynch Syndrome, the group has predominantly members from the US, honestly it’s the first time I’ve ever heard of it. 
