Recurrence of Anal squamous cell Cancer

  • 16 replies
  • 42 subscribers

Having had chemoradiation for this disease about 20 months ago it’s come back and I am now due to have an APR operation .  Has anyone got experience of this?

  • Hi 

    Firstly can I say how sorry I am that you’re dealing with a recurrence of this awful disease. I haven’t personally had to face the prospect of this surgery but I’ve had a search on the forum & the most recent members I’ve found that have gone through APR surgery are  &  although I’m not sure if either are still active on the forum, I’ve tagged them in this post to see if either/both may reply to your post. Not every member posts on the forum so there may also be someone that is sat in the background that might be willing to offer you some advice. Do you have a date for your surgery? 


  • Morning message received and happy to communicate.:)

  • Hi Nikki I’m waiting to hear from Mr Rasheed at The Royal Marsden in Fulham which should now be any day.  Once I’ve seen him I will be given a date.  This is the third recurrence and non of it has been easy.  I’m really not looking forward to this surgery but hopefully it will rid me of this horrible disease. 

    I’m glad you are doing well.


  • Hi Ewok

    i understand you have had APR surgery.  Was this for Anal Cancer?    Are you able to share any of your experience or give me advice?

    I hope you are doing well now.


  • Morning . Sorry to hear you’re in need of bowel surgery. I’m just coming up to my 3rd anniversary! Happy to answer. 

  • Mine was very low down Rectal cancer. If you click on my profile it’ll take you to my page, possibly best to read that and come back to me. :)

  • Ps  you just have to click on my name/mug to see my profile.

  • Thank you so much  I really appreciate it as my knowledge of the surgery is limited.


  • Oh you poor thing! It’s bad enough having the original diagnosis but you’re really going through the mill aren’t you? I hope you hear really soon, it’s a daunting thought as it is major surgery but hopefully like you say it will put an end to any more recurrence. Please stay in touch & let us know how you get on. 


  • Hi Mauranne, When I was originally diagnosed with anal cancer, I presumed I'd have APR surgery. So I searched youtube videos for people living with stomas. Wow, the information and very specific directions on how to care for it, change it, accidents, what to wear (anything!), etc was really useful in allying my intense fear. Turns out, I didn't need an APR BUT if is have recurrence, I'm told I will. Now about 20 months out myself and just had CT scans, digital exam, etc. All seems good but I DO have a small ovarian cyst on my left ovary. I'm 66, never had ovarian cysts before so I'm understandably concerned. I'll see my onco gynecologist in 2 weeks about this and hopefully she can do a pelvic exam...I've worked pretty diligently on my pelvic floor exercises and dilators in the past couple months...we'll see. The *hit we GO THROUGH!!!!! Now, I just noticed this morning that there is a stoma and iliostomy group on here now with Macmillan. So if you haven't seen that...go check it out. Oh, and about the youtube videos I watched...these people are guy is probably early 30' fit it's crazy...he worked that stoma like a boss. So reassuring!!! I hope all goes well for you. From what I've heard, if/when you have APR, the cancer is gone for good! Best to you, Lynn