
  • 11 replies
  • 18 subscribers

I had my diagnosis some years ago and underwent the necessary chemotherapy,  at the time,  everyone was sad, miserable, sympathetic etc., but now, I am still alive and getting on with my life, our lives. Everyone seems to have forgotten. 

What I wanted to say was that no one mentions it anymore. I am still weary, aching, suffer from pain and slightly depressed, but no sympathy any more, no one even asks how I am.

I don't know if people think what I have is contagious,  but I have not had a cuddle from anyone,  including my wife,  except my two oldest grandchildren. 

I miss cuddles and the warmth of a touch, but sadly, nothing coming my way.

I know I seem to be wallowing in self pity, but sometimes it gets to me.

Sorry everyone,  no need to respond, I just wanted a rant. xxx

  • Sending a hug and some sympathy. I also find that people have forgotten what I went through. I have some enduring issues but nobody ever asks if I am ok either.

  • Hi Oldwoodsie and I'm sorry to hear you feel a bit lost and lonely.  Life after diagnosis and treatment is a strange and peculiar time for most of us.  I belong to another forum on here  which is called 'Life after treatment - what happens next'.  You will find some very relevant ideas in there is and The Highlander especially is excellent at explaining, suggesting and suggesting ideas to help.  I'm still struggling with living after treatment ends'.  It stirs up all sorts of feelings.  I thought I'd feel great, treatment over now so just on 6 monthly scans and dermatology OPA but I feel lost and unsure of myself. Weird time.  Take care x

  • Hi LittleRunner, sorry to hear you too feel like you do.  Please do join the ' Life after Treatment forum on here.  I've found it good and it definitely makes me feel not so alone with my feelings. X

  • LittleRunner, hello and thanks for taking the time to send a reply.

    It is tough, but at least we have come out the other side and have a better chance of survival. 

    When I am feeling low, miserable and upset, I think of my family, loved ones, look in a mirror and say out loud " I am blessed" it cheers me up just enough to put a smile on my face.

    Onwards and upwards as I say to my daughters and grandchildren.

    Please be positive, I know how you feel , so do others who read thus, so you aren't alone.

    If you need to talk to someone, Macmillan have very understanding people who really help.

    Lots of hugs, good luck, God bless.


  • Hello, thanks for replying, it is comforting to know that someone understands,  albeit from enduring something similar themselves. So I am sorry that you are going through this as well. 

    As I keep saying, at least we are through the worst and can look forward to a longer life.

    I have several ways to get through my miserable times...occasionally I have a quiet cry to myself,  somewhere no on can see. I keep telling myself that I am blessed,  I have my family, who might not ask me how I am as often as I want, but I know they love me.

    I sometimes chat to someone at Macmillan and I feel so much better for it.

    Then, I look on this website and realise that there are an awful lot of people worse off than me.

    Onwards and upwards, lots of hugs. Good luck and God bless.


  • Thank you, that is kind of you. I am ok really, just now-and-again I get a bit miffed that friends and family assume I am fine now but don't actually ask.

  • Thanks Oldwoodsie, kind of you to reply.  I am OK really but now and then I get a bit miffed that friends and family assume I am fine, but never actually ask me!

  • Absolutely right LittleRunner, I think only those reall close to you keep on asking but I live alone so no one did. People do have issues with bringing up the word cancer and don't often initiate the conversation.  That's why this exists.  There's no statute of limitations on how long you need to keep talking about the cancer on here and definitely no silly questions!  

    We all have our different ways of living after diagnosis and treatment to manage our emotions.  All emotions are valid. Maybe we do have to start the conversation with a close friend and just let off some steam.  I believe they can come through for us but are mostly anxious about the words to use. We on the other hand have heard our diagnosis and faced it so are not as afraid.  Xx

  • Hi all 

    I remember so well after my bowel nearly blocking and after op feeling my Ileostomy I felt so relieved knowing the cancer was in the bin and I felt extremely grateful to be alive and have been able to have treatment 

    That lasted a few weeks. Then I felt so sad, just sad and I thought I need to get on with this I am lucky 

    I put it up on the Ileostomy’s group and a lovely member wrote

    “You don’t have to jump out of bed every morning shouting I’m lucky to be alive “

    Thats stayed with me, still make me smile and if I’m feeling low then that’s the way it is. I also needed serotonin as I was unable to process nuts etc because of my Ileostomy so I take a tiny little pill every day. It really helps 

    Hope you all have a good day x


  • Hi  ..... my ears were ringing and thought is was the gale that is blowing up in the Highlands but I see that   has whispered my name Wink

    I help out across the community on various groups but I find our Life after cancer both fascinating and challenging in equal measures.

    I have been on my incurable blood cancer journey for over 23 years now so unfortunately have had plenty time to experience the wide range of reactions from friends and family and talked with many people who have had to make sense of all the post treatment world.

    Why not click on the group link above, join the group and have a look through all the different thread titles and if you feel up to it, reply to any thread or actually put up your own thread.

    I will say that I am most likely the most annoying positive person you could ever meet....... but this is what got my family and I through some very challenging times.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

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