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I had my diagnosis some years ago and underwent the necessary chemotherapy,  at the time,  everyone was sad, miserable, sympathetic etc., but now, I am still alive and getting on with my life, our lives. Everyone seems to have forgotten. 

What I wanted to say was that no one mentions it anymore. I am still weary, aching, suffer from pain and slightly depressed, but no sympathy any more, no one even asks how I am.

I don't know if people think what I have is contagious,  but I have not had a cuddle from anyone,  including my wife,  except my two oldest grandchildren. 

I miss cuddles and the warmth of a touch, but sadly, nothing coming my way.

I know I seem to be wallowing in self pity, but sometimes it gets to me.

Sorry everyone,  no need to respond, I just wanted a rant. xxx