Important Updates from the Community team!

  • 7 replies
  • 18 subscribers

Hi everyone,

I hope you don’t mind us posting here.

Last week, in our Community News Blog, we blogged about some upcoming changes to the Community. We’re excited to let you know that we will be launching our new Community next Wednesday, 29th July.

In this week’s blog, we’ve talked about everything you need to know. Why not have a read?


Don’t have time just now? Here’s the most important things you’ll need to be aware of:


  • On Monday 27th July, the Community will experience some downtime from approximately 9am-5pm. This means you won’t be able to access the site.
  • As of 5pm on Monday 27th July, the Community will be available in a read only format. This means you’ll be able to read the site, but you won’t be able to carry out any actions e.g. post, like, blog.
  • On Wednesday 29th July, the Community will experience some further downtime, until 4pm when we’ll be launching the new site.
  • When logging in to the new Community for the first time, you will be prompted to reset your password for security purposes. This is just to make sure the new site and everyone’s accounts are fully secure and safe. Nothing else will change about your Community account, and all your content will be the same.
  • Your groups will be the same, and all your content will be visible on the new site.


We just wanted to say a huge thank you to all of you for supporting each other. Without you, the Community wouldn’t be what it is today and this upgrade would not be possible. Thank you!

We would love to hear from you, our members, about these changes. Whether you’d like to let us know about something you like, need a bit of help using the site, or you don’t like some of the changes we’ve made, we’d love to hear from you. You can send us your feedback by emailing us directly on or you can fill in this form here.

Only 5 days to go!

Best wishes,

Macmillan Community Team

  • FormerMember

    I know people don't like change as a rule but I prefer the way it was before.

  • Hi ,

    Thank you for your post, I'm Eliza from the Community team. 

    We understand that changes have been made to the look and feel of the site, which may not be to everyone’s taste. Any and all changes to the Online Community were based on members’ feedback. Macmillan is committed to providing the best possible platform for people affected by cancer to access support online.

    We are by no means finished with updating and improving the Online Community, so your feedback is welcome in helping us to shape the site for a better future.

    Whilst changes have been made to the appearance of the site, you should still be able to do everything that you are used to doing. If you are having any difficulties navigating the new site, we have updated our help section and have a list of FAQs you may find useful. The Community team are also here to help at if you're having any technical problems. 

    If you'd like to let us know your thoughts and feedback about the new site, you can complete our survey or our feedback form. 

    Thank you again for speaking up and sharing your opinion. This will help us to keep improving the site to best support our members. Please don't hesitate to get in touch with us at if you have any questions or would like any further support.

    Best wishes,


    Macmillan Community team

    Macmillan Community Team

  • The site still throws me off regularly. Not quite as frequently as before.

    i still find the type face when typing tiny on both laptop and phone. 
    I still find the site needs lots of scrolling past titles.

    i still can’t find the ‘feed’ of people posting.

    i still feel the site is a backward step.

    i still find the site posts photos on their side. 
    nothing much changed there!

    I'm disappointed.


  • Its not a case of 'being to everyones taste' its not serving its purpose to let people communicate with each other. Private messaging is awful as the box keeps disappearing as you type, also your banner goes straight across the box so you cant see what you are typing. Old posts come up in what should be current ones. When people add to a post they are somehow lost in the conversation. Everytime i inform you of problem i get albeit a polite generic reply that hasnt so far resulted in anything being remedied. A huge amount of regular posters are now no longer posting, these can be people that usually offer support and guidance so their loss is really noticed. Can you at least get the basics right before adding features we are not bothered about?

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to moomy


  • Hi

    Thank you for your response, I want to firstly say that I can hear your frustration and I am really sorry that you have been experiencing ongoing technical issues while using the Community. I can appreciate that sounds difficult and I want to thank you for speaking up and sharing your feedback today.

    To make sure that we are capturing all feedback so that we are best able to act upon it to make further changes in the future, I wonder whether you would like to fill in our most recent feedback survey? Alternatively you can fill in our feedback form here, which will send your feedback directly to our Feedback team. You can also email the Community team directly at

    I want to reassure you that we are taking all feedback on board and that here on the Community team we are dedicated to improving the site for our members.

    I also want to provide you with some more information about the two technical issues you mentioned CurlySue. Firstly, I am really sorry to hear that you have been experiencing problems viewing your PMs. There is currently a known error on the site that is affecting some members being able to use their PMs on mobiles.

    This has been escalated to our tech team who are working very hard behind the scenes to try to find a solution to this as quickly as possible. I want to thank you for your patience at this time, we know how important it is for our members to be able to send private messages and are looking into this error as a priority.

    I am also sorry to hear that you are seeing old posts on the site where there should be current ones. This might be being caused by your display settings in your groups CurlySue and can be corrected by making sure that you have selected to view discussions in ‘descending’ order and ‘by date’. To check this, you will need to firstly go to one of your discussion groups, then make sure that you have selected ‘By date’ and ‘Descending’ from the drop-down menu, as shown below.


    If you are using the Community on a mobile, it will look like this.


    If these two options are selected, then you should see the latest threads at the top of your discussions list in your groups.  If these two options are displayed and you are still seeing old threads in your groups, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the Community team by emailing and we will look into this further for you CurlySue. To make sure that our tech team can look into the issue as quickly as possible, if you could send any screenshots of the error as well as the below information that would be really helpful.

    1. What type of device are you using? Mobile phone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer.
    2. Is it an Android or Apple device?
    3. Which browser do you usually use to go on the Community? Safari, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer etc.

    Thank you again for your feedback CurlySue, we really do appreciate it. I hope that the above makes sense but if you have any questions, or if there is ever anything else myself or the team can do to help, please don’t hesitate to get back in touch with us by emailing

    Best wishes,

    Macmillan Community Team

  • Hi

    Thank you for your response, I'm so sorry to hear that you are still encountering technical issues while using the Community. I can appreciate that sounds really difficult and I can hear your frustration. 

    Please be assured we have escalated these issues to our tech team who are working very hard behind the scenes to get these sorted as quickly as possible. 

    I also want to really thank you for your feedback moomy, we really appreciate our members taking the time to let us know how they feel. I want to reassure you that we are taking all feedback we receive about the new site on board and are dedicated to listening to our members. I have sent your response directly to our Feedback team. 

    If there is anything myself or the team can help with further, please don't hesitate to get in touch via email at

    Kindest regards, 

    Macmillan's Community team