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Lovely Morning Chit-Chat-Thread - July 2024

  • 464 replies
  • 47 subscribers

New month, new thread - as requested by  


Daily Life chit chat for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV - whatever your day has in store for you. That is daily life!

Even having a laugh, that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic please start a new thread so people that wish to see it can, and can comment.

  • Good morning Ellie and all. My bloods are too low for my chemo tablets this week, so have to wait until next week for repeat bloods and hope for a better result. Not such a nice day here so shall have a cosy one with Lilly (and a bar of chocolate

    love Alana snd Lilly xxx

  • Hi Ellie and Ulls, I have a good friend who is blind, and not from birth, she has a very good life, does the things we all do, works full time, goes on holidays and is expecting her first child and is one of the happiest people I know.


  • Ist time I've been able got on here for days ,kept getting a strange message every time I clicked on. 

  • Morning, up to now, never had problems, with my bloods, hope blood's sort them self out, and onwards and upwards..

    Well a little cooler here, at the moment it 22, which is quiet nice, yesterday was awful for me.

    Light duties again for me feather duster and  pink apron, bit like Freddie Mercury pushing the hoover lol.

  • There was a problem On Monday for a lot of people, though it got sorted.

    Message was saying not a secure site, though Macmillan  was notified and was sorted few hours later.

  • Morning Alana; sorry to hear about your bloods and hope your good for next week, enjoy your cosy day and Lilly, does Lilly get a little treat as well.

    love Eddie xx

  • Morning Eddie, of course Lilly will have a treat too. She is not a happy Bunny this morning. They are cutting the field behind my house and Combine Harvester are not her chosen entertainment. She is sitting at the kitchen window looking outside in disgust. Tomorrow will be just as bad when they bail. Hope you and your loved ones are fine.

    love Angie and Lilly xx

  • Morning everyone!

    I've finally got my broadband fixed, so I can get on to the internet on my laptop, and catch up with what everyone is up to.

    I met up with a couple of friends yesterday afternoon for a catch up. One I haven't seen for 8 years! It involved a long drive and a train journey, but was worth it. The weather was fab, so we sat outside a cafe for most of the time, chin-wagging.

    I'm off out to the woods now with Candy. She has been waiting patiently for her walk all morning.

    Hope everyone is having a relaxing, enjoyable day.


  • Hi Alana, thank you, every ones fine as I hope you and yours are, that's a downside of living in the countryside, farming and the noise and smells you get, definitely nothing against farmers, my youngest girl is one, and don't want to upset her.

    love Eddie xx

  • Good Morning to you "all", looks like the chit-chat's going through the summer doldrums, and postings do tend to drop off, hopefully because we have nice things to do, though I know some of you are having a tough time and to those who are I offer my best wishes, and good luck to anyone with appointments, tests or waiting for results, take care everyone.

    love Eddie xx