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Lovely Morning -Chit - Chat Thread - no 14

  • 784 replies
  • 48 subscribers

A new thread other getting full lol (continued from thread no 13)

Talk about what ever you wish to, within reason,

What your up to today, what you may be doing, having bloods done, or scan day, or results,

Though if you have a special topic, please start anew thread,

This is for daily everyday life, we talk about this and that, and yes rubbish,and   nonsense at times, me included.

That is some times what daily life is like, 

  • Oh   I am sorry to hear your news, but as one door closes another one will open. Lots of time to plan the trip to Borneo now. 

    I have been learning Italian so all I shall say is vivi il momento. Heart


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • BP you are naughty Joy 

  • Away,  A lot, Clothes, Oh yes,,   No Comment. x

  • Yorkshire tea is good certainly, these days we're drinking Sainsbury's Red label, I'm not one for green tea or Earl Grey

    Tvman x 

    Love life and family.
  • Thanks for that TV you’ve certainly been making the most of your time.. We are planning lots too though Mr S is still working. Another trip to Orkney, exploring all the islands up there maybe next year and maybe Shetland too, Bath with friends in October Cornwall for me for a week going a week tomorrow and Birmingham on a charity retreat in September. Also a weekend with all the family to celebrate my mums 8Oth in September. Oh and another weekend with FIL and son and his girlfriend in Norfolk somewhere. I’m exhausted writing all that! I need a holiday. 

    Judy my daughter is travelling on her own round south east Asia. She’s in Malaysia at the moment. I’m so proud of her, I would have loved to have done it but didn’t have the nerve. Plus I’d been in education since aged 18 and needed to get a job, and I was in love! Didn’t stop me yearning though and I think I’ll go and meet her. Got to get it organised and get insurance and all that first. 

    My tutoring stuff has gone back now, someone was asking about the money and yes I will get a refund for some of it, so that’s something 
    Jac x

  • Wow Jac I’m feeling dizzy Dizzy faceDizzy your feet are not going to touch the ground! All good stuff. Good times ahead 

    Judy xx

  • Well todays tea, sticking with the Yorkshire tea, mine is the Jam one, mr Simo likes the biscuit.


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  •   you definitely have enough to keep you busy! I would love to see the Orkneys 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • I’ve not seen these! You must have posh shops by you! It’s pot luck what you get in Tesco now! 

  • Hi Chelle I was listening to something on the radio concerning people who have developed a memory problem. I'm attending a mental health unit in Lisburn Co Antrim for memory loss and I have been prescribed B1 liquid medication because low B1 level can be a cause of memory loss. Well, the programme went on to say that learning a language can be a great help to the memory. 

    In my past I did French and Spanish to degree level. I also used to study Japanese, Russian and German. Mrs Tvman and I have been to Italy on holiday several times and I have been toying with studying Italian. 

    Chelle, can you give me a little info as to what you think is a good place to start? I've never studied online before, it wasn't available when I was learning the other languages. Where are you learning? Online, night class or what?.

    Tvman x 

    Love life and family.