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Lovely Morning - Chit- Chat - Thread - No 13

  • 894 replies
  • 48 subscribers

Continues from thread no 12

Chit Chat about any thing and every thing.

Scans, Bloods, how your day has been,  rubbish anything that is on your mind, with in reason.

Daily lifewe like a laugh, and ct silly at times, though it helps us get threw the day,

Though if you have a special topic, please start another thread, on that subject,

  • If i waited for him to wake me at 6am then had to wait an hour he would be gone and i would have to make my own tea. lol. Yes im lazy i know lol. xxx

  • Do what ever takes your fancy Moi and enjoy it. Love Tricia. xxx

  • so yes  lazy comes to mind,  though i like your style,  Right got start to make a move, later, xxx

  • Wine yes, not had cakes for a ,  while,  i have put on weight, so had to make a choice, wine won,,   xxxx

  • Hi Trisha, with all these hormones I'm taking slowly turning me female I was admiring handbag's then I had to go into my wife's to find her bloods testing machine and I realized, no way what a dump in there.

  • Wish we had a laughing emoji in the React button Joy 

    I have 2 men with me. MrJ needs to preserve his wonky knees for bowling. Son has been working none stop marking online since he came home and was going to the gym for a break. So I was too embarrassed to ask my good friend to mow my wee patch of grass. So I did it myself yesterday. Very pleased with the job…no one mows like me!!! 
    that’s why I treated myself to a lie in. 
    another glorious day…wondering what to do next Thinking

    know what you mean about bags! Everything mysteriously disappears when you put something in it, 

    consequently it’s always full of rubbish. 
    thinking of you all xxxx


  • Good morning Ulls you are hysterical lol you should be on stage. Can be very dangerous to put your hand in a womens handbag without protection lol. Hope you and Mrs Ulls have a good day. Love Tricia. xxx

  • You  know what they say, if you want a job doing, do it yourself,good for you, to be honest i enjoy cutting the grass, its the pulling up of weeds, pull one day, they multiply over night pull up next day and so it goes on,

    Never mind any lose money in my bag, always screwed up bits of paper, right i am of, later xxxxxx