Three Good Things

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  • 54 subscribers

1. I'm just about to head off on a weekend with my eldest daughter (10) for a mothers and daughters activity weekend. It's raining but the wellies are packed! Hoping I survive! 

2. Head a tiny 3 week old baby this morning - gorgeous remembering new life - so small and perfect! 

3. Had a delivery of some amazing biscuits from a friend - special. 

Have a good weekend all, despite all the hard. 

Clare x

  • Hi Daloni, that is great news and I bet it’s given you a real lift!  So pleased for you.

    love and hugs 

    Maggie xx

  • That's fantastic news Daloni, am over the moon for you!  xx

    Every bad situation is a blues song waiting to happen.
    Amy Winehouse.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Tinalay

    Today the sun shone and I managed to winkle myself off the sofa for a walk in the lovely Knole Park where I saw a white stag. It was magnificent.

    Later a dear friend took me out for cake and coffee. 

    Then I had a cheeky deliveroo Nando’s with my girls as I was too tired to cook. 


  • FormerMember

     I love the concept of focusing on the good things. Three good things  happened today.

    1. I fixed a toilet my plumber gave up on. It now flushes and no longer leaks.

    2. It was a cheerful bright day that I enjoyed outside.

    3. I had the energy to clean out a closet that has been bugging me for 2 years.

    4. Two friends called and we just chatted and laughed. A great day overall.

    Warmest wishes to all,

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi all 

    1 My beloved Liverpool are through to the quarter finals.

    2. My 17 year old niece who normally acts like Kevin the teenager spoke to me like a normal person.

    3. Scrummy Indian for tea.

    Kissing heart

  • Hi to you all,

    three good things,

    had a appointment yesterday to check my INR levels, they were good. No waiting even though I was early for the appointment. I was out of there so quickly. Never usually like that.

    Didnt wait too long for any of the buses I had to catch yesterday.

    Picked my granddaughters up from school, both were happy, enjoyed listening to all their news and I had hugs!!

    love and hugs

    Maggie xx

  • Morning all,

    Had lunch with my sister and a friend who had never met. They really hit it off and we had a good laugh.

    Heard that my niece who auditioned for a part in Mama Mia has been cast in the Meryl Streep role Clap

    I discovered a fence panel had been blown down in the garden, and our dog was missing. After a heart stopping few hours she was found, and everyone was so kind. Complete strangers helped to look for her.

    Every bad situation is a blues song waiting to happen.
    Amy Winehouse.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Tinalay

    Evening sll

     1. I had a lovely yoga session today. Very gentle with the focus on breathing. There was even cake afterwards 

    2. I came home to a clean house 

    3. I took my girls to see Captain Marvel. It’s a fun movie. 


  • Greetings!  Am so thankful for the opportunity to read all these Good Things. I keep a symptom diary and find reading all these lovely positive posts to be the perfect antidote to the negativity of symptoms.

    Here are my three good things for this day:

    1. A jaunty little bird pecking in the grass in our garden very persistently.

    2. Received a belated birthday package from DIL and granddaughter.

    3. Had energy enough to put all the things away from the grocers.
